Funding Zero Knowledge Tech with Gitcoin

ZKValidator is teaming up with Gitcoin to bring you the ZK Tech side round in the next Gitcoin Grants CLR matching round.

Anna Rose
Zero Knowledge Validator
3 min readNov 30, 2021


As our mission statement outlines, we aim to promote and fund zero knowledge technology. At this point it should be self-evident that accelerating the development of ZK tools and applications will greatly benefit the larger blockchain ecosystem. And so, the team at ZKValidator are very excited to announce that we have teamed up with Gitcoin to hold a dedicated ZK Tech Ecosystem matching side round (“zkTech”)— starting December 1st 2021

Gitcoin has been hosting CLR matching rounds every few months to direct capital into the hands of smaller open source projects and individual contributors. These rounds have also helped to highlight these projects for members of the greater blockchain community. During the upcoming matching round (running Dec 1-14), we will be bringing you the first ZK-focused side round. We hope this will follow the trend of the general matching round and shine a light on emerging ZK projects.

ZKValidator, alongside Deversifi, Polygon, Dusk Network, Aztec, Aleo, Geometry, Penumbra, Scholar Contributer DAO and 0xParc, have pooled together a matched fund of $100k to be distributed to ZK Tech grants.

Projects eligible for matched funds are early stage ZK projects, currently without VC funding or a token sale. The amount to be distributed to each project is decided through the Gitcoin Quadratic Voting mechanism. This mechanism places a greater bearing on the popularity of a project than the amount of money pledged to it, signalling what is really valued and important for the community.

The focus of this round is on improving these three aspects of zero knowledge technology:

  1. Usability — improving the user experience of zero knowledge tools or applications
  2. Tooling — improving the developer experience or making it easier to develop applications utilising zero knowledge proofs or technology.
  3. Applications — technical implementations of zero knowledge proofs and circuits

To get involved in this round, setup your own gitcoin grant at this link: — the grant doesn’t need to be long, but should share a description of your project and how you plan to use these funds. Be sure to select the “zkTech” tag to be considered for this dedicated side round. It should look like this:

We are excited about this new way that ZKValidator, along with other top ZK teams, can directly contribute to the builders of zkTech and support the development of these important tools!

If you have any questions about submitting a grant or getting involved, please contact Susannah from the ZK Validator.

If you want to contribute to these grants, please head to Gitcoin and look for the zkTech grants. A link can be found here.

Lastly, follow us on twitter for more info about the grants and grantees!

Happy funding!



Anna Rose
Zero Knowledge Validator

Curious mind, history buff, co-host of @ZeroKnowledge Podcast, co-founder @zero-knowledge-validator - #blockchain #zeroknowledge #podcast #events