ZKV presents… Privacy on Moonbeam

Hector Perez
Zero Knowledge Validator
3 min readJul 5, 2022

ZKValidator is a mission-driven validator. Our delegators entrust us with a mandate to promote and support privacy in the blockchain space. And with this in mind, we are excited to present our latest event series, Privacy on Moonbeam.

Privacy on Moonbeam is an event series focused on bringing new privacy tools and developers to the Moonbeam ecosystem through the sharing of knowledge and best practices during an online workshop and IRL Hackshop, where teams will be able to submit their tools.

Why Moonbeam?

We are part of the collator set of Moonbeam, and we have been involved with its canary chain, Moonriver, since their launches. We believe interoperability is a pillar for Web3 success, and Moonbeam is a crucial piece of the puzzle by enabling Solidity developers to build and take advantage of Polkadot’s interoperability capabilities.

Once XCM launched on Polkadot, it opened many avenues for the different parachains to communicate. Although one widespread use case is sending crypto assets across the channels, it also allows for other types of technology exchanges, such as the Crust Network and Moonriver HRMBP channel. In this example, Moonriver dApps can use to access Crust’s decentralised storage. That’s a use-case where we see other parachains using XCM to bring privacy to Moonbeam and vice versa.

What made this possible?

In June, we submitted a Treasury Proposal to the Moonbeam Treasury with a detailed description of the event series, the milestones and a timeline. It was the first proposal to be made to the Moonbeam treasury and we were excited to blaze this trail. You can see the proposal here.

Over the years, we have discovered that events are a great way to spread knowledge about privacy and evangelise the importance of this “feature” to the larger set of users of blockchain technology. So far, we have successfully done an event series around privacy focused on the Cosmos Ecosystem and two online workshops for the Dotsama universe.

The series

We plan to run the series over an 8 month period, which we think will allow enough time for teams to learn, debate and build top-notch privacy tools for the Moonbeam ecosystem and Dotsama as a whole.

Within that time frame, we will host a Twitter Spaces, a virtual workshop and an IRL Hackshop, where teams will deliver tools and products. Alongside the virtual events, we will also create a content library, in collaboration with Moonbeam and other teams, that builders can use as a reference on the Hackshop.

Specific dates and locations will be confirmed closer to the events.

Tentative timeline

Below you will find a tentative timeline for all the events and milestones we will achieve during the next three quarters.

How to keep up with the series?

If you want us to keep you posted about the series’ latest developments, sign up here.



Hector Perez
Zero Knowledge Validator

Maker, believer, startup enthusiast. I have spent the last 5 years working with startups and SMBs. Follow my journey and let’s share some knowledge.