ZK Hack Mini Schedule Release

Susannah Evans
Zero Knowledge Validator
4 min readFeb 24, 2022
  • The first session of ZK Hack Mini starts on 1st March, sign up here for this kick off event.
  • This blog post gives more details on what to expect from the workshops and puzzles in this event series.
  • To connect with other ZK enthusiasts, head over to our dedicated discord server

ZK Hack is back for a new Mini edition! ZK Hack runs from March 1–15 with a condensed event series, suitable for the ZK curious to dip their toe into learning about zero knowledge technology or try their hand in the puzzle competition. This time we will host three events covering four workshop subject areas and two puzzle competitions with a panel discussion to wrap up this mini series. If you missed out on the first edition of ZK Hack that ran from October through to December last year, you can check out all the previous workshop content and puzzles through the ZK Hack website.

For ZK Hack Mini, we have partnered with Polygon, who are building a variety of projects with the central mission to effectively scale Ethereum. Polygon will be building the two puzzles that make up the competition elements of ZK Hack Mini, with prizes funded by last year’s puzzles builders Anoma and Aleo. We also want to mention our community sponsors — Anoma, Horizen, Aleo, O(1) Labs, and Geometry for supporting the event series.

Now without further digression, here are more details on the schedule and workshop content for the upcoming ZK Hack Mini.

1st March

register for this event here

In the first session of ZK Hack Mini, we will introduce the event series followed by two workshops. The first workshop will be all about writing STARK proofs with Winterfell. During this workshop the basics of the STARK proving system will be covered including an overview of the Winterfell STARK prover and verifier, and the opportunity to build a STARK-based post-quantum VDF with Winterfell. This workshop will be very useful for competitors in the puzzle competitions as this time around, the puzzles will be designed so that they can be solved with the help of the Winterfell libraries. The second workshop will describe design considerations for ZK virtual machines (VMs), provide an overview of the Miden VM architecture, and show how the Miden VM can be used to avoid writing STARK proofs by hand. At the end of this session, we will release the details and links for the first puzzle, M1.

8th March

register for this event here

The second session will start with the prize presentation for the first puzzle competition with the prizes provided by Aleo. We will then dive into a workshop introducing Plonky2, hosted by Polygon Zero. Plonky2 is a recursive SNARK that improves upon previous SNARK constructions and is natively compatible with Ethereum. It combines PLONK and FRI from STARKs, with fast proofs, no trusted setup, support for recursion and low verification costs on Ethereum. The second workshop in this session will be hosted by Polygon Hermez where the polynomial identity language will be presented alongside the new constraint system designed to encode the behaviour of the Polygon Hermez zkEVM Prover State Machines. Following these two workshops, the second and final puzzle competition in the ZK Hack Mini will begin.

15th March

register for this event here

This session concludes the ZK Hack Mini series. Prizes for the second puzzle competition will be presented by Anoma followed by a panel discussion, hosted by Zero Knowledge Podcast with special guests to be announced in due course. After the panel discussion, join us for the afterparty and zk jobs fair over on Gather.

We hope you are excited as we are to kick off ZK Hack Mini. We look forward to seeing you at our events. In the meantime, follow ZK Hack on twitter or head over to the ZK Hack Mini website to have a look over what is coming up in more detail.

