ZKV joins the Kusama council!

Anna Rose
Zero Knowledge Validator
2 min readSep 7, 2020

Just this past week, the ZKValidator was voted onto the Kusama council! Thank you to those who voted for us. We look forward to being part of this decision making body.

As we have described in previous posts, the ZKValidator is a purpose driven, privacy-focused validator operating on Kusama. With our role on the Kusama council, we intend to vote in favour of initiatives and actions that will make the network more viable, with a special focus on evaluating proposals related to privacy and the use of zero knowledge proof systems. We think privacy is more than a “nice to have” for mainstream adoption — it is a requirement.

And in the long run, we believe it will be necessary to see the continued growth in the value and utility of the Kusama ecosystem.

If you believe that privacy is an important issue both for yourself and for the health of the network, please go to the council, click on “Vote” and select “ZKV COUNCIL”.

As a token holder, you should also vote for the ZKValidator if you:

  • Would like to see more user privacy on the network
  • Want to help raise the priority of zero knowledge technologies on Kusama
  • Believe that privacy is important for the adoption of Kusama by a wider community and mainstream applications
  • Believe that privacy is key to enterprise adoption and will lead to greater value accrual to the Kusama token

Check our website and this blog to learn more about our mission.

Also don’t forget to nominate us in order to further support our mission — you can find the ZKValidator on the validator list (on both Kusama and Polkadot)!

Stay tuned for info on our votes on the council, we will be publishing these on this page as they happen.



Anna Rose
Zero Knowledge Validator

Curious mind, history buff, co-host of @ZeroKnowledge Podcast, co-founder @zero-knowledge-validator - #blockchain #zeroknowledge #podcast #events