General Steps For Building ReactJS Apps From Scratch

Christopher Agnus 🐟
Zero to Code
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2018

This is a high-level look into the methodology of building a ReactJS app.

  1. Break the app into components

Draw up a wireframe. Map out the component structure of the app by examining the app’s working UI. Apply the single-responsibility principle to break components down so each has minimal viable functionality.

2. Build a static version of the app

Our bottom-level (user-visible) components rendered HTML based on static props, passed down from parent components.

3. Determine what should be stateful

Question what data should be stateful. This data was represented in our static app as props.

4. Determine in which component each piece of state should live

Question which component should own each piece of state. eg. TimersDashboard owned timer state data and ToggleTimerForm and EditableTime both held state pertaining to whether or not to render a TimerForm.

5. Hard-code initial states

We then initialised state-owners’ state properties with hard-coded values.

6. Add inverse data flow

Add interactivity using onClick handlers. These call functions that were passed in as props down the hierarchy from whichever component owned the relevant state being manipulated.

7. Add server communication

Ultimately, our top-level component will comunicate with a server. The server will be the initial source of state.

Diagram from Fullstack React

As shown in the hierarchy diagram, data flows from parent to child in place. Then we can add inverse data flow, propagating events from child to parent. Then we modify the top-level component to communicate with the server.



Christopher Agnus 🐟
Zero to Code

Hi, I’m Christopher (Agnus) Lam. I write about startups, entrepreneurship and marketing.