Deploying your Spring boot to Heroku

Paul ‘Tofunmi O.
Zero To Production
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2019

Learn how to deploy your app to heroku

Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

We often develop software on our local machine but the real fun and fulfillment comes when it is available to a global audience. In this guide, you will learn how to deploy your Spring Boot app or any app to Heroku.

  1. Sign up on Heroku here
  2. Install Heroku Cli. Heroku CLI is a command line application that lets you create, deploy and manage Heroku apps from the command line. You can download Heroku CLI from Heroku Dev Center.
  3. Login using your email and password like so:
heroku login

4. Initialize git in your root folder like so:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "My first push to heroku"

5. Now, create an app using heroku create. This command creates an app and returns a name when it is done. You can do it like so:

heroku create

6. Deploy app to Heroku

git push heroku master

That’s it. You have your app deployed to Heroku.

That wraps up our tutorial today.

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What are we up to today?

We have a series on building rest api using spring boot. You can follow the guide here:




Paul ‘Tofunmi O.
Zero To Production

Passionate about business, technology, abundant living — a life of purpose — and a true follower of Jesus