Setting up and swapping ZER on Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

Zero Currency
Published in
8 min readApr 2, 2021

How do I get started?

Here’s a short guide. To complete this process, you will need an amount of ZER and BEP-20 BNB for the gas fees on BSC.

BSC Gas Fees:

Contract Approvals ~ 0.000444 BNB
Swap/LP ~ 0.002 BNB

1. Download the Metamask extension for Chrome and create a new wallet. Make sure to back up your passphrase and store it in a safe place. Other wallets are also supported and you may choose to use one of them. This guide only covers Metamask for Chrome. Metamask also supports Ledger and Trezor.

Note: If your using Trust wallet or Binance Wallet, here’s two good references on how to set them up for BSC:

2. Connect Metamask to the BSC. Metamask is an ETH native wallet but you can configure it to run on BSC. Make sure that you are using Metamask on the right chain and do not send any BEP-20 tokens to an ERC-20 address. They look exactly the same.

Click on “Networks” and select “Custom RPC” then enter BSC Mainet info.

BSC Mainnet:

Network Name: Binance Smart Chain

Default RPC URL:

Alternative RPC URL:

Alternative RPC URL:

ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

Binance Smart Chain — Information.
Always make sure that the Binance Smart Chain network is selected in order to make this work.

Note: Copy your wZER Address by clicking on the account name just before the three dots at the top. This is going to be your wZER address — which you will use to direct proceedings from your ZER swap.

wZER BEP-20 Address — Click to copy.

Now you have a wallet and a BSC address. You can send any BEP-20 tokens to this address just like you would hold any ERC-20 tokens on an Ethereum address. If you experience wallet trouble (PancakeSwap token balances not loading), then try switching to a different BSC — RPC URL and try again.

3. Swap ZER for wZER through the Wrapping.Services gateway below:

Note: Please remember the minimum amount you’re able to wrap is $7.50 (Currently 21 ZER).

To complete the swap, you will first input the amount that you want to swap and indicate the BSC address (wZER BEP-20) where you want to receive them. The current minimum amount is 21 ZER. In the next step you will be prompted to send the ZER to an address. Once completed, you will receive the wZER in your BSC address.

Enter the amount of ZER you want to swap and the wZER BEP-20 address where you want to receive them.


  • Always send the exact net amount considering the transaction fee.
  • Make sure that you are using the authentic bridge. Do not use any other gateways — this is the only original and legitimate gateway to receive wZER.
Send the exact amount to the prompted ZER address to receive wZER to the BEP20 address you entered.
ZER/wZER — Swap Confirmed & Completed

The swap process is almost instant. If you run into any difficulties, you can talk to the Wrapping.Services team in their support server. To unwrap wZER you can use the same gateway. Just click the multi directional arrows for “wZER/ZER”.

Unwrapping ZER works just the same. Send from BSC, receive to your native ZER — T or Z address.

4. Now you have wZER on your BSC address. If they don’t show up directly in your balance, select add token/custom token in Metamask and search for wZER by its contract address.

Click “Add Token” to add wZER to your wallet

wZER BEP-20 Contract Address — 0x530e9346870e632a63e8d461bb3c3622e00782de

Add wZER to your Metamask.
You will now see wZER listed in your Metamask.

Here’s the link to the wZER contract on BSC. It’s open source and anyone can read/audit it:

How to contribute to the wZER/USDT Liquidity Pool on PancakeSwap?

wZER/USDT Liquidity Pool

By contributing to the wZER/USDT liquidity pool, you don’t only just earn a part of the trading fees on every transaction (0.17% of the traded assets), but also earn additional rewards in proportion of your contribution to the pool.

  1. Connect Metamask to PancakeSwap.Finance:
Connect your Metamask to Pancake Swap.

Note: In order for you to be able to contribute to the pool, you will need to have both, wZER BEP -20 and USDT BEP-20, plus BNB to cover transaction fees.

USDT BEP-20 Contract Address-0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955

You will need both tokens present, plus BNB for fees.

Note: Please ensure that you have the “Binance Smart Chain” selected.

2. Follow the instructions and you should be able to connect your wallet. Once your wallet is connected, you should be able to see your BSC account address in the top right corner (hidden in the screen below). Click on “Add Liquidity” button and you’re ready to contribute to the pool. Make sure to search for wZER when selecting from the token list, by using the contract address in the search bar.

Metamask is now connected, click Add Liquidity.

Note: When you go to search for the wZER token by contract address, you have the option to add it to your “local” list which is useful, as you don’t need to keep searching by contract address each time.

Make sure to add wZER to your token list.

3. Add liquidity to the wZER-USDT pool. To do this, you will need a given ratio of both tokens and some BNB for the fees. Once you have added liquidity, you’ll be a liquidity provider for this pool, where users can exchange wZER for USDT.

Note: Liquidity can also be added for other assets to enable wZER trading in new pairs.

wZER-USDT — Add Liquidity.

4. Now that you’re providing liquidity to the wZER/USDT liquidity pool, you will instantly start earning rewards via the Cake-LP token & trading fees. We suggest you add this token to your Metamask wallet and update the name so you don’t get confused with other LP tokens, that you may hold.

Example: “ZER-Cake-LP”

Cake-LP BEP-20 Contract Address —

5. You can check all the ZER-Cake-LP holders by visiting the link below 👇

6. You’re all done. Your contribution is now in the pool. You are now earning on every trade and any additional rewards that are available for the contributors of the pool. Your contributions to the pool are visible at the bottom. Sit back and enjoy. Welcome to the world of DeFi & Automated Market Makers!

Your liquidity showing at the bottom of the page.

Returning back to monitor or change your contribution?

If you close your screen to come back later to see your pool contribution details again, you will see your pool contribution under “Your Liquidity” (while your wallet is still connected).

Click the dropdown arrow to check stats.

Clicking on the “wZER/USDT” dropdown will take you to the following screen, which provides your details and options to add more liquidity or remove full or part of your contribution if you want.

How to trade wZER with other tokens?

1. Connect your wallet to PancakeSwap.

2. Navigate to PancakeSwap’s exchange page

Note: Any token that is supported on PancakeSwap can be used to swap for wZER.

PancakeSwap — Swap Page

3. Select the pair you want to trade.

Choose the token you want to buy by selecting from the “To” list. If you don’t see the token in the default list, please get the BSC contract address of the token to find it.

In the “From” list, provide the coin or token you want to spend (sell).

Swap Tokens using PancakeSwap

In this case, we’ll be buying wZER with USDT. So this is what the screen looks like:

USDT/wZER — Swap
USDT/wZER — Swap
USDT/wZER — Swap

Click on the “Confirm” button and you’ll receive your wZER in your Metamask Wallet.



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