Team Zero Weekly Newsletter

Zero Currency
Published in
7 min readJun 11, 2018

Issue #9

Welcome to issue №9 of the Zero Weekly Newsletter!

With week 9 passing, we have the API that has been tested by Cryptoforge, and is just about ready to be incorporated into the web and mobile wallets.

The last step in this process is securing a server, which we as the dev team are looking to do out of our own pocket, separate from the donation fund. We want to ensure that there is a robust system in place so that you can rely on the features we deliver.

Ingar & Rick will be releasing a marketing competition this week, running for a month or so. There are GIFs, articles, videos, and all sorts to get involved in. We will be needing the help of the community in selecting the entries that bring us some more exposure.

Lolliedieb has appeared from seemingly nowhere this week with another version of the miner that has been producing some really great results. Currently this is an Nvidia version, with the prospect of an AMD miner in the wings as well.

Currently the miner is being tested in the background and the reports are a great deal of hashrate more, but is still early stages yet, so we will keep you in the loop as this product is finalised and comes closer to release.

We look forward to continuing to build the relationship with Lolliedieb, and thank him for his great work to date.

Last week we released the finer details of the finite supply, block halvings, and also developer fund. To recap, here are the details below again in case you missed them:

  • Finite Supply Figures 17,000,000 ZER
  • First Block Halving Block 800,000
  • First Block Halving Date June 03 2020
  • Subsequent Halving’s Every 800,000 blocks (approx. 3 years)
  • Revised Block Reward 10.8 ZER
  • Development Fund Details 0.8 ZER / Block (~7.5%)
  • Dev Fund Breakdown -
    (Per Block)
    0.3 Exchange Funding & Marketing;

    0.3 Development;
    0.2 General;
    Development Fund Total 0.8 ZER / Block

Please remember that our aim as the development team is to deliver a transparent project that can be recognised as mainstay contender in the privacy coin realm and in the overall crypto space.

As always, thank you all for your continued support on Zero’s path to steady, organic growth, and we hope you enjoy the products being delivered that can attest to Zero’s current and future status in this realm.

(Note for new comers — please bear in mind that at this point in time Zero relies solely on donations from the community as there was no pre-mine or ICO with this coin originally. We are working to implement a dev fee, so please read further and watch this space. Every person involved with Zero — inclusive of the dev team — are volunteering their time and efforts to the project)

For anyone interested in investing — please do your own research prior to committing to any project, and we ask you to please not blindly commit to a project because someone else told you to.

Let’s get into the details of what has been happening per section / discipline this week.


Windows Wallet

Please update to the latest Windows simple wallet, the older wallet has deprecated, and will no longer work. Your coins are safe on the blockchain as long as you have your private keys to import into the new wallet.

A big thanks to Lakimens with the latest wallet tutorial found here:

Web Wallet, Mobile Wallet, and Arizen Wallet

The next step for the API of the Web, Mobile, and Arizen Wallets is to establish a server that caters for the traffic used for these features. Failing to do so could render the feature as intermittent and unreliable. We do pride ourselves on delivering a high quality product, and will only release when there are sufficient risk mitigation factors in place so that you have a safe, functioning wallet no matter what the platform.

We will have this up and running very soon. As the team, we are looking to potentially fund a server out of our own pockets to get something decent locked away.

We trust you understand our stance on this one.

General & Development Funding

The details and works on the fork are still ongoing, and we will give plenty of notice prior to the fork. It is looking to be 6–8 weeks away at this point in time.

There have also been a spate of 51% attacks across the realm, and Walter is investigating how to mitigate such attacks from a technical perspective also in the background.

While the threat of a 51% attack is possible in any case where the overall hash rate is biased, the likely scenario is that Zero would not be targeted at this point in time due to our market cap and relative attractiveness to any potential antagonists.

Other mitigating controls to this risk also boil down to fostering the established relationships.

Marketing & World Cup Draw

Ingar & Rick will be pushing out some marketing, competitions, and bounties for some extra exposure for Zero. They will make this clear in the next day or so. This will enable everyone to have a chance at helping out to win some Zero!

If you can please like, share, retweet etc, that will really help with some exposure for Zero.

We are really looking forward to seeing what is produced in the competitions!

Rick has also taken the initiative to hold a World Cup draw, so get on in while you can leading up to this. Only 7 places left! The Winner will get a random amount of Zero. TBD

1)H4N = 7 = Denmark ✅
2)Gekko = 20 = Uruguay ✅
3)Ciro = 6 = England ✅
4)Lollie = 2 = Peru ✅
5)Ingar = 18 = Australia ✅
6)Rick = 14 = Japan ✅
7)LMC = 19 = Portugal ✅
8)Zeroshi = 30 = Brazil ✅
9)Lakimens = 27 = Mexico ✅
10)Gerard = 8 = France ✅
11)Hoang = 31 = Egypt ✅
12)Benny = 32 = Germany ✅
13)Crypto Hodler = 1 = Nigeria ✅
14)CryptoPrivate = 11 = Iceland ✅
15)MargincCall = 22 = Argentina ✅
16)HawkIce = 9 = Sweden ✅
17)Albert Jennings = 16 = Iran ✅
18)MJ = 5 = Belgium ✅
19)David Perez = 4 = Saudi Arabia ✅
20)Crypto Expat = 10 = Panama ✅
21)DeanLikesComics = 15 = Russia ✅
22)Ahmad Shrief = 3 = Croatia ✅
23)Mpoumpounas = 29 = Spain ✅
24)Hashiom = 13 = Tunisia ✅
25)Hbits = 28 = Colombia ✅

Listings on Exchanges

There is nothing further to report on exchange listings at this point in time.

We plan to structure our listings accordingly as we grow, so once you hear the news shortly that was mentioned earlier on in the update, we can provide a bit of a plan of action publicly with this methodology. Let’s aim for next week on this one (without making the exchanges names public).


Thank you again to anyone who has been kind enough to have donated to our cause. We really do appreciate what the community has offered us as part of the community takeover.

The wallets below now have the total amount of ZER listed in each respective one to keep you updated.

We will have published the below addresses for donations very soon on the website, official announcements, Twitter etc, but please see the below in the meantime:

Developer Donation Wallet

2222.34 ZER

Exchange Listings DonationWallet

201.5 ZER

General Donation Wallet


Please feel free to continue to donate to our addresses, as every little bit helps!

We will be asking this week for some assistance from some ‘Angel Donators’, so watch out for this, and if you have a healthy stash of funding, and interested in helping the cause — please let us know.

If we do not spend the community donations up to the implementation of the dev fund, we will, so long as the addresses that sent the ZER were not shielded, refund these amounts back to the rightful owners.

We believe that this is a fair and reasonable stance, and for those of you that did donate, thank you so much for your kindness and approach.

Meme / GIF of the Week

What is Zero without the memes hey? We are pleased to now have a weekly meme / gif that will be incorporated into the newsletter for a bit of fun each week.

This weeks winner:

Gif Winner

Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support, and again, is great to be a part of such a strong community.

Team Ƶero



Zero Currency

“Your Transactions Are Your Business.” Instant, Private Transactions, DeFi, Open Source & Available To All.