Team Zero Weekly Newsletter

Zero Currency
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2018

Issue #2

Welcome to issue №2 of the Zero Weekly Newsletter!

As you all are aware, there has been some great progress this week, with the release of our new website, team bios on the website, a web wallet release, and also a mobile wallet that is currently under review.

These new releases highlight a key focal aspect of the recent takeover, namely the steady, stable growth of Zero through high quality deliverables.

Thanks to everyone for chipping in so far, as we continue to move forward!


Our weekly meeting went very well, and after a solid 2.5 hours yesterday morning / afternoon / evening / and night (as we are spread from U.S, U.K, Canada, Norway, Italy and Western Australia), we covered a lot of critical ground in the process.


Cryptoforge is making some great progress on the new desktop wallet, and there have been a few sneak peeks released already as some may have seen. We’ll keep you updated as we have firm dates on this particular release.

(The UI is also looking super sleek, and thanks to MuphDiV3r @Amazon too for the contribution on this one!)

Our web wallet is also now alive and kicking, and it’s great to have had the assistance from @H_tchet on Telegram to get this one over the line.

The mobile wallet that was submitted this week to the team came admittedly as a surprise, but we are thankful nonetheless. We are reviewing this wallet in the background, and will formally announce further details once this review is completed.

In terms of tutorials for our new suite of wallets, Ingar and Rick will have some handy helping points available shortly for a clear and concise approach to running the wallets. This is great to have as the community organically increases, and we can all no doubt pick up some great information from this initiative.

General & Developer Funding

We are still discussing and ascertaining the requirements for the implementation of a general & developers fund for Zero, and the structure behind this.

We have been busy doing our homework on this topic, along with the internal and external resources required to do so.

We will again keep you informed on this topic in newsletters to come with further developments.

Listings on Exchanges

Exchanges have been a hot activity and discussion point this week (and no doubt in the weeks to come) as we gather information and requirements in order to list on exchanges further than Cryptopia, CREX24, and Barterdex.

We will keep you updated as we go, but a fun fact for this week is that LMC now has a register of 29 individual exchanges that we have sought information from regarding Zero and our interest to expand further.


Ingar has been doing a stellar job with the management and execution of the website, so would like to publically acknowledge this brilliant effort in getting such a sleek, modern page up within such little time!

The website will be continually updated as we go, and you can also expect to see a page dedicated to social media postings shortly, along with a community recognition page for people who really are helping the cause.


The Zero Twitter mentions have been ramping up this week, and we want to thank everyone who has been assisting in this share of the marketing. Please continue to put the word out there to assist in the growth of our community; the more the merrier!

You will see in the coming weeks and months a real emphasis on marketing as we get some critical deliverables over the line. Keep an eye on the roadmap for this one :)

Whitepaper & Roadmap

We are working on a newer version of the whitepaper and roadmap, and can confirm that we have covered some decent ground on these items in the weekly meetings.

We aim to have these documents out fairly soon as the finer details are squared away, and no doubt everyone is looking forward to having a sneaky peak.


Thank you again to anyone who has been kind enough to have donated to our cause. We really do appreciate what the community has offered us as part of the community takeover.

As a bit of an update, we will shortly have three addresses for donating to. This is so people can donate directly to the cause that they believe the most in depending on their stance or view. These wallets shall be as follows:

Developer Donation Wallet

Exchange Listings Donation Wallet

General Donation Wallet

Please feel free to continue to donate to our addresses, as every little bit helps!

Meme / GIF of the Week

What is Zero without the memes hey? We are pleased to now have a weekly meme / gif that will be incorporated into the newsletter for a bit of fun each week.

This weeks winner:

Gif Winner

Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support, and again, it’s great to be a part of such a strong community.

Thank you,

Team Ƶero



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