Team Zero Weekly Newsletter

Zero Currency
Published in
9 min readJun 18, 2018

Issue #10

Welcome to issue №10 of the Zero Weekly Newsletter!

Week 10 has been really great for Zero, with the Android mobile wallet being tested by Rick, Scott, Gianfranco whilst the nuts&bolts were compiled by Cryptoforge. Please note that the mobile wallet was provided to us by the old developer, so we would like to thank and acknowledge you for this. The API however is what needed tweaking to ensure the security and safety of your funds, along with a server that was robust enough to handle this new feature.

We will have the mobile wallet out to you very, very soon, along with the web wallet too now that we have the critical API and server squared away.

Lolliedieb and EWBF have now released Nvidia miners, with global hashrate increasing significantly since this release. We’d like to thank the guys for making this happen, and you can be sure that there is an AMD miner currently underway at the moment by Lolliedieb.

We have also recently had the marketing competition underway for the last week, and we do recognise that the reward was quite small due to constraints with the upcoming fork and funding allocated to this as a priority.

The team have pitched in now though, and we have revamped the prize to be 200 ZER for first place, 100 ZER for second place, and 50 ZER for third place. Depending on the success of this completion, we will keep them going in the lead up to the fork and beyond, but need the community’s involvement all the way.

Please remember that our aim as the development team is to deliver a transparent project that can be recognised as mainstay contender in the privacy coin realm and in the overall crypto space.

As always, thank you all for your continued support on Zero’s path to steady, organic growth, and we hope you enjoy the products being delivered that can attest to Zero’s current and future status in this realm.

For anyone interested in investing — please do your own research prior to committing to any project, and we ask you to please not blindly commit to a project because someone else told you to.

Let’s get into the details of what has been happening per section / discipline this week

Web Wallet, Mobile Wallet, and Arizen Wallet

Zero Mobile Wallet — Testing
Zero’s first mobile completed transaction. (QR-QR)
Screenshot of welcome page.

We now have a secured server that can handle the mobile and web wallet thanks to @Coinguy (Scott)

Scott has really over extended himself in making this happen, so we really can be very thankful to be able to not only have @Cryptoforge working away on these great products, but to have someone nominate the capacity to be able to make them happen too.

It’s so, so close now to being released as you can see from the pictures.


As stated in the intro, we recognise the fact that the previous rewards may not have been too appealing to competitors based on current market levels.

We have now increased the prize for the top 3 contributions for the contest.

1st place - 200 ZER

2nd place - 100 ZER

3rd place - 50 ZER

Check out the details per the below, and have a crack if you do feel like participating.

So we have had two Nvidia miners now released in the last week + a new OS & Miner.

Cowry (OS+Zero Miner)

BTC Talk:

What is the Cowry OS?

Cowry OS is a monitoring and management platform for mining rigs. You can see and configure all your rigs in one place, monitor hashrates, online status, GPU errors, reboot them, etc


Remote management of rigs from the web(setting OC settings, target temperature, fan speed, etc)
Reporting of hashrate, card temperatures etc
Watchdogs (auto-restart of miner or system in case of an error)

We will also release an Android and iOS app in the coming weeks.


Linux 64: (Preview Version 0.37, Linux)
Windows 64:
(Preview Version 0.37, Windows)
Note: I was not able to test the Windows package due to the lack of a GPU with more then 3G .. plz report any problems )

In both packages you will find a detailed manual as well as quick start guide in 4 simple steps. Should not be to hard to get it working.

With what GPUs is lolMiner-zero compatible?

At the moment the preview version is compatible to all Nvidia GPUs of the Maxwell generation and newer with at least 3GB of RAM.
To run the miner on 3G cards I would recommend doing that headless or with an other GPU as graphics adapter, especially on Windows.

How many sol/s can be expected from lolMiner-zero?

We have not tested all cards, but we know of:

GTX1060 3G: 8.75 sol/s
GTX1060 6G: 9.5 sol/s
GTX1070: 13.5–14.5 sol/s
GTX1080: 18–20 sol/s
GTX1080 Ti: 23–25 sol/s

Is there a fee?

At the moment there is a 2% fee that will be lowered later (once main development costs are covered). The displayed sol/s is net, so the 2% is already subtracted and you see what you get.

Are there known bugs?

All versions:
From time to time a GPU gets stuck and reports 0 sol/s. In this case the miner will stop mining, but the scripts shipped with the miner can restart it. This happens more often when the memory overclock of the GPU is high or when too many GPUs are used in same miner instance.

The windows runtimes are a bit buggy and can lead to crashes. The provided watchdog is able to detect those failures and restart the miner properly

As said: it is beta and this is even a preview. The full version will come in few weeks and also feature AMD compability, more stability and features. Stay tuned!

EWBF Cuda Equihash Miner v0.2

This is the initial release of a new miner for Equihash algorithm.
It is based on my last Zcash miner and almost completely repeats it.
Now closer to the topic:

* Parameter “solver” is disabled.
* Solver for equihash 200,9 has been deleted.
* Solvers for Equihash 192,7 and 144,5 has been added
* Added timestamps in the output to the screen and to the log file.
* Argument — algo is added, allow you to select Equihash variant allowed two values 144_5 and 192_7. This parameter is mandatory.
* Argument — pers is added, allow you to set personalization string (8 charachters) for equihash algorithm. This parameter is optional. Equihash by default uses the string “ZcashPoW”, many other coins also use this string, but not all, some coins use their own string, and these are all differences, so for some coins, you need to set the — pers option to the required string, for example, Zero coin: uses the string “ZERO_PoW” and for mining this coin you need to pass arguments — algo 192_7 — pers ZERO_PoW ….
Fee is presented and by default 2%, argument — fee is presented too.

* Reduced amount of rejected shares.
* Performance 144_5 is increased by ~ 5%.
* Added algorithm zhash it is similar to “ — algo 144_5 — pers BitcoinZ.” Now you can use “ — algo zhash” string.

Expected performance:
144_5 uses ~2.2GB vram
1050ti ~12S/s
1060 ~20S/s
1070 ~30S/s
1080 ~35S/s
1080ti ~55S/s

192_7 uses ~2.9GB vram
150ti ~7S/s
1060 ~12S/s
1070 ~18S/s
1080 ~20S/s
1080ti ~30S/s

Please note, that this is initial release, and it can be buggy or incompatible with many coins or pools.
Miner compiled with cuda 9.1 for x64 linux and windows. Support devices with compute capability 5.0 and higher.



Windows Wallet

Please update to the latest Windows simple wallet, the older wallet has deprecated, and will no longer work. Your coins are safe on the blockchain as long as you have your private keys to import into the new wallet.

A big thanks to Lakimens with the latest wallet tutorial found here:

Fork & General / Development Funding

Works are still underway regarding the fork coding, and the date cannot be confirmed just yet.

We are hanging out for this one to, so that we can share with everyone and establish this parameter, but we just need to hold on a little bit longer.

As soon as we can share, we will let everyone know.

Recap of the new finite features with the upcoming fork:

  • Finite Supply Figures 17,000,000 ZER
  • First Block Halving Block 800,000
  • First Block Halving Date June 03 2020
  • Subsequent Halving’s Every 800,000 blocks (approx. 3 years)
  • Revised Block Reward 10.8 ZER
  • Development Fund Details 0.8 ZER / Block (~7.5%)
  • Dev Fund Breakdown -
    (Per Block)
    0.3 Exchange Funding & Marketing;

    0.3 Development;
    0.2 General;
    Development Fund Total 0.8 ZER / Block

Listings on Exchanges

Give us all a hand and get on over to Coinpulse and vote for our listing on the exchange — we’ve got over 100 votes now, but will certainly need more to get a look in on this platform.

We’ve still got a handful of exchanges interested in listing us, but we do need funding to do get listed.

We understand that in the current market conditions, people are shy to assist with donations for exchange listings. At this point, the most practical solution is to hold off until we have implemented the dev fund to generate funds for any future listings.

If you know of any community members that may be interested in donating 1 or 2 BTC, please do let us know.


Thank you again to anyone who has been kind enough to have donated to our cause. We really do appreciate what the community has offered us as part of the community takeover.

The wallets below now have the total amount of ZER listed in each respective one to keep you updated.

We will have published the below addresses for donations very soon on the website, official announcements, Twitter etc, but please see the below in the meantime.

Development Donation Wallet

2222.34 ZERO

Exchange Listings Donation Wallet

201.5 ZER

General Donation Wallet


Please feel free to continue to donate to our addresses, as every little bit helps!

If we do not spend the community donations up to the implementation of the dev fund, we will, so long as the addresses that sent the ZER were not shielded, refund these amounts back to the rightful owners.

Meme / GIF of the Week

It’s come to the time now where although the GIF’s and memes were a big part of us, we need to align the professionalism of the project and restrict this type of media.

Can we please ask that you hold off on posting any GIF’s or memes in the main chat, and that you head on over to our Discord Gaming / Chillout / Meme channel. (

Our current competition is for a GIF / meme, and the top 3 will be shared in the Discord channel. We want to still get into the spirit of celebrating a good old GIF, but we do need to curb it now while we are still quite young.

We trust you understand the stance on this, and we need to clean up the chat as we now progress.

Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support, and again, is great to be a part of such a strong community.

Team Ƶero



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