Team Zero Weekly Newsletter

Zero Currency
Published in
6 min readMay 14, 2018

Issue #5

Welcome to issue №5 of the Zero Weekly Newsletter!

Another great week at Zero, with steady, organic growth our main priority.

The team have been super busy with getting our most recent release out,with the Linux Network Update, Zero Simple Wallet, and also Windows Network Update as per our official announcement a few hours ago.

This update included an up merge to Zcash 1.0.14, fixed deprecation through to October ’18 now (some of you may recall that prior to the recent takeover, this item was missed entirely, causing wallet issues), and added some further optimisation from Zcash 1.0.15 with improvements to syncing performance, and node updates.

The effort from Cryptoforge, Tearo, R3DEY3 and the community has been second to none in getting this important release out to you all.

Github links:



We also have seen commentary in the main chat regarding what people want to see implemented with Zero. Whilst we fully respect your opinions and suggestions, please allocate them to the correct forum ie the Discord suggestions channel (, where we can collate and gain feedback from the community in due course.

Before any suggestions can be investigated or implemented, the implementation of the dev fee is our first and foremost target. We are aiming for this to be in place much sooner than indicated on our roadmap.

As part of the community, please feel free to share with the admins in main chat, or on Discord as to what you feel you can assist with. Every little bit helps at this point in time, and we have had some brilliant help with the beta testing of the wallet recently, along with design interface of the Zero Simple Wallet, and also some great graphics being shared on Discord. We have also had some marketing assistance offered very recently, and the team are investigating this at the moment.

As always, thank you all for your continued support on Zero’s path to steady, organic growth, and we hope you enjoy the products being delivered that can attest to Zero’s current and future status in this realm.


(Note for new comers — please bear in mind that at this point in time Zero relies solely on donations from the community as there was no pre-mine or ICO with this coin originally. We are working to implement a dev fee, so please read further and watch this space. Every person involved with Zero — inclusive of the dev team — are volunteering their time and efforts to the project)

For anyone interested in investing — please do your own research prior to committing to any project, and we ask you to please not blindly commit to a project because someone else told you to.

Whitepaper & Roadmap

The Whitepaper 1.0 has now been released, along with the roadmap, and there has been some great feedback on these from the community. We do have a lot planned for Zero, and more can be added to both the Whitepaper and roadmap as we gain a solid footing with the project, standing on our own two feet in terms of revenue stream for development.

Although the deliverable dates are currently not 100% defined on the roadmap, we can start to lock in defined target dates as the dev fee is implemented. This is based on the anticipation of known funding amounts that we can rely on in order to source internal or external candidates for works. (Rather than rely on community donations at this point in time)

We’ll keep you in the loop on this one.


Windows Wallet

Now released!

Web Wallet

Per the mobile wallet, we are initiating an Insight API in order to marry up with the web and mobile wallets prior to officially announcing the availability of this one.

Mobile Wallet

The mobile wallet is the last of the deliverables that are to be officially released, but on hand already. In order to offer a fully tested, secure wallet, we will be implementing our own Insight API to integrate with the applicable wallets. We wouldn’t release something until we are fully happy and comfortable with it, and hope that you can respect these actions too.

Arizen & Electrum Wallets

We do have works going on in the background for both of these wallets. Not too much to report on just yet, but are another couple of deliverables brewing….

Note — In terms of tutorials for our new suite of wallets, Ingar and Rick will have some handy helping points available shortly for a clear and concise approach to running the wallets. This is great to have as the community organically increases, and we can all no doubt pick up some great information from this initiative.

General & Developer Funding

More ground has been covered on a deeper understanding of the requirements to implement this important change to the code to achieve a self-funded goal.

Again, this is still in progress, so cannot go into too great a depth on this one just yet, but is closer on the horizon as each day passes.

We touch on the importance of this requirement in order to meet the Whitepaper and Roadmap expectations throughout our updates, so no need to continue on too much about this one.

This is a big ticket item for us.


We have had an offer from within the community for marketing, so will investigate this one to really get things moving now that the Whitepaper, Roadmap, Windows Wallet, and Website are now released / live.

We really need the community to assist where possible in the marketing realm (as an individual has in the last couple of days), as there is no marketing budget yet as we rely on donations at this point in time (watch this space).

Every bit of sharing on Twitter etc helps, so please hit that re-tweet button.

Listings on Exchanges

As mentioned in previous weeks, we have got a few mutually interested exchanges who are willing to list us for a fee. Our mission shortly now that the whitepaper, roadmap, and impending wallets are released, is to kick in the exchange donation campaign.

The range of requirements range from a mixture of ZER and BTC, through to the straight up costs from others of 1 BTC to 7 BTC.

They aren’t cheap, but will no doubt provide some further exposure for Zero in our early stages.


Thank you again to anyone who has been kind enough to have donated to our cause. We really do appreciate what the community has offered us as part of the community takeover.

The wallets below now have the total amount of ZER listed in each respective one to keep you updated.

We will have published the below addresses for donations very soon on the website, official announcements, Twitter etc, but please see the below in the meantime:

Developer Donation Wallet

2193.4 ZER

Exchange Listings Donation Wallet

50.02 ZER

General Donation Wallet


Please feel free to continue to donate to our addresses, as every little bit helps!

Meme / GIF of the Week

What is Zero without the memes hey? We are pleased to now have a weekly meme / gif that will be incorporated into the newsletter for a bit of fun each week.

This weeks winner:

Gif Winner

Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support, and again, is great to be a part of such a strong community.

Team Ƶero



Zero Currency

“Your Transactions Are Your Business.” Instant, Private Transactions, DeFi, Open Source & Available To All.