Team Zero Weekly Newsletter

Zero Currency
Published in
6 min readMay 28, 2018


Issue #7

Welcome to issue №7 of the Zero Weekly Newsletter!

Hope you have all been going well in the last seven weeks — the time has really been flying along with planning the next phases of the project.

There are a couple of important points to discuss this week as outlined below:

Windows Wallet

If you are running the old Windows wallet, you need to upgrade to the newest version this week. The older version of the wallet will depreciate this week at Block 335,585, and you will no longer be able to use the wallet functions ie send and receive. At time of writing, the block height was 332,366 to put it in perspective.

Fear not though, as you can note down / save / store you private keys from your existing older version wallet, download the new Windows wallet, and then import your private keys. Your funds will not be present in your wallet if you need to download the blockchain again, but they will appear as the blockchain downloads the transaction timeframes.

Zero’s Supply Structure

There is a live poll at the moment that allows the community to vote for their say in how they would like to see Zero play out. The two options are ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as outlined below:

If you vote ‘Yes’ then you will be voting for:

  • An eventual finite, capped supply of Zero coins (with final supply figure to be determined by development team);
  • Block halving’s at certain timeframes and intervals (to be determined by Development team).

If you vote ‘No’, then you are voting for:

  • The existing structure of an infinite supply of Zero coins to remain in place.

So far there have been 137 votes cast, and the poll standing at 85% to 15% in favour of the ‘Yes’ option. We encourage you to vote if you wish to, as the vote may close early if the overwhelming response is clearly in favour of one option than the other.

Community Mining Pools 0% Fee

We have also now announced that two of the community pools are offering a 0% pool fee for the next 3–6 months as a gesture of gratitude towards the mining arm of our community.

If you are a miner, please feel free to head on over to either:

(0% fee already implemented and live)


(0% fee implemented June 1st)

If you have any queries in relation to the above, please feel free to contact one of us, and we are more than happy to assist.

Spread the good word, set up camp, and mine pool-fee-free for a while!

As always, thank you all for your continued support on Zero’s path to steady, organic growth, and we hope you enjoy the products being delivered that can attest to Zero’s current and future status in this realm.

(Note for new comers — please bear in mind that at this point in time Zero relies solely on donations from the community as there was no pre-mine or ICO with this coin originally. We are working to implement a dev fee, so please read further and watch this space. Every person involved with Zero — inclusive of the dev team — are volunteering their time and efforts to the project)

For anyone interested in investing — please do your own research prior to committing to any project, and we ask you to please not blindly commit to a project because someone else told you to.

Let’s get into the details of what has been happening per section / discipline this week:


Windows Wallet

Now released — again, please update to the new version, as the older version will no longer be able to transact as of this coming week.

Web Wallet

The API is just about complete, Gianfranco has been working away on this item to no end, and will have a further refinement and release of this in the very short term future. The API is critical to both the Web Wallet, and also the Mobile Wallet, and as previously mentioned a couple of weeks ago, we need to make sure that the API is absolutely verified prior to using it in official releases.

Mobile Wallet

Per the above with the Web Wallet, the Mobile Wallet will be released very close to each other once the API is finalized in the next two weeks or so.

Arizen & Electrum Wallets

Works underway.

Note — In terms of tutorials for our new suite of wallets, Ingar and Rick will have some handy helping points available shortly for a clear and concise approach to running the wallets. This is great to have as the community organically increases, and we can all no doubt pick up some great information from this initiative.

General & Developer Funding

We now have a targeted plan, and timeframe in place for the Dev fee that will become apparent in the next two weeks. It’s a culmination of please waits, keep an eye on this, watch this space etc, but we are really close to being able to share plans with you all regarding this project critical topic.

You will see something about this very, very soon. (Cue suspense)


We have had some further community members put their hand up to assist in marketing, and we are in the process of identifying ways that Zero can be assisted by their skillset.

Marketing is a tricky one, as usually people want a large payment for their services, and as we are all highly aware, we rely on donations at this point in time.

If you know of anyone at all that can assist with the marketing of Zero, please let one of us know in the chat, and we would be more than happy to discuss with them further.

If anyone can do a YouTube video, or anything like this that can spread the word on Zero, please feel free to contact us also.

We are happy to chat across all time zones, as we are spread out 15 hours, so one of us will be able to catch up with anyone who is keen to help out. We are absolutely open to assistance from the community on this one.

Listings on Exchanges

The QIEX listing is scheduled for this Friday 01 June 00:00 GMT, and we have been discussing the technical listing side of things with their developers this week, and so far so good.

We look forward to seeing how the listing goes, and as mentioned in previous updates, both Zero and Qiex are young, so will be good to mature together in the coming weeks and months.

We have also narrowed down a few exchanges that are interested in listing us (for a fee), and who we are also interested in.

We plan to structure our listings accordingly as we grow, so once you hear the news shortly that was mentioned earlier on in the update, we can provide a bit of a plan of action publically with this methodology. Let’s aim for next week on this one (without making the exchanges names public).


Thank you again to anyone who has been kind enough to have donated to our cause. We really do appreciate what the community has offered us as part of the community takeover.

The wallets below now have the total amount of ZER listed in each respective one to keep you updated.

We will have published the below addresses for donations very soon on the website, official announcements, Twitter etc, but please see the below in the meantime:

Developer Donation Wallet

2221.6 ZERO

Exchange Listings Donation Wallet t1WFymzcfzUPttYExprMyt1RPtyHWkic1WV

198.5 ZER

General Donation Wallet


Please feel free to continue to donate to our addresses, as every little bit helps!

We will be asking this week for some assistance from some ‘Angel Donators’, so watch out for this, and if you have a healthy stash of funding, and interested in helping the cause — please let us know.

Meme / GIF of the Week

What is Zero without the memes hey? We are pleased to now have a weekly meme / gif that will be incorporated into the newsletter for a bit of fun each week.

This weeks winner:

Gif Winner

Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support, and again, is great to be a part of such a strong community.

Team Ƶero



Zero Currency

“Your Transactions Are Your Business.” Instant, Private Transactions, DeFi, Open Source & Available To All.