ZER is now available on the Binance Smart Chain & PancakeSwap.

Zero Currency
Published in
7 min readApr 2, 2021
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wZER is now available on the Binance Smart Chain — providing the fastest, most-affordable Decentralized Exchange (DEX) trading experience anywhere in the world, limiting dependence on Centralized Exchanges (CEXs).

wZER BEP-20 enables a high-performance matching engine, with hundreds of thousands of trades per second, instant execution and front-running protection.

Before you proceed, here’s what we mean when we say ZER, wZER or BSC:

ZER — refers to ZER (Zero) on the native Blockchain.

wZER — refers to wZER (Wrapped Zero) on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

BSC refers to the Binance Smart Chain.

5000 wZER will be airdropped to liquidity providers who take part in the PancakeSwap wZER/USDT pool during April. Weekly snapshots will take place and LP token holders will be rewarded with wZER according to the percentage of the liquidity they hold in the pool. When you provide liquidity you automatically start earning a part of the each trading fee (0.17%) on every transaction. Keep reading to learn all the details.

If you have not onboarded to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) yet, this will be the best time to do it. As an informed blockchain enthusiast on top of major Decentralized Finance (DeFi) trends, you can get a chunk of the airdrop by swapping some ZER to wZER and providing liquidity on PancakeSwap Binance’s most innovative and largest DeFi exchange.

What is Binance Smart Chain?

In essence BSC is an Ethereum clone. While gas fees in the Ethereum DeFi universe have become unsustainable as every action requires an on-chain transaction, BSC has emerged as a worthy competitor. BSC has the same set of tools and functionalities as Ethereum and innovative projects like PancakeSwap have gained traction in the last months.

What is PancakeSwap?

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange for swapping BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain. PancakeSwap uses an automated market maker (AMM) model where users trade against a liquidity pool. Such pools are filled with users’ funds. They deposit them into the pool, receiving liquidity provider (or LP) tokens in return. They can use those tokens to reclaim their share, plus a portion of the trading fees. PancakeSwap has become the second biggest DeFi platform after Uniswap with billions of USD in locked value.

(TVL) Total value locked on PancakeSwap

Note: The Binance Smart Chain only works with BEP-20 addresses. Please make sure you use a BEP-20 address (beginning with ‘0x’) NOT BEP-2 address (address beginning with ‘bnb’) to store or transact wZER, BUSD, BNB or any other coins on Binance Smart Chain.

wZER is now available on PancakeSwap.

What are the benefits of getting ZER on Binance Smart Chain & PancakeSwap?

1. ZER will be available on a DEX. Anyone in the world will be able to buy ZER (as wZER — the wrapped version of ZER) on the Binance Smart Chain using PancakeSwap. Both (T) Transparent & (Z) Private addresses are compatible, enabling investors access to private DeFi.

2. Expansion of trading pairs — users will be able to swap wZER directly with many other tokens listed on PancakeSwap & Binance Smart Chain.

3. Lower fees and faster transactions for wZER trading on BSC and PancakeSwap compared to other DEXs.

4. Users will be able to store their wZER with other coins, with their choice of wallets (like Metamask, Trust Wallet, & other wallets supported by the Binance Smart Chain).

5. Zero will be able to further expand its DeFi offerings by leveraging PancakeSwap’s foundational capabilities like Liquidity Pool Rewards, Staking, Farming, etc.

6. ZER holders will have yet another choice to earn a passive income (today they earn by staking using shared pools or via running a Zero Masternode). They will now be able to earn by contributing to a wZER pool.

7. Reduced dependency on CEXs — tokens often get adversely affected by exchanges or country-specific policies. DEX pools ensure users’ ability to trade in the listed token is never affected. Users also stay in control with no funds sitting in a hackable CEX wallets.

8. By integrating with the Binance Smart Chain, ZER already becomes a part of the Binance Ecosystem. This helps with the efforts in the direction of listing with Binance DEX & CEX.

9. wZER will be able to leverage BscScan — an industry leading explorer — for high-level insights in real-time.

10. Project awareness and expansion of the community — ZER’s presence on the Binance Ecosystem will help spread more awareness about Zero’s Ecosystem and attract new community members.

What is wZER?

Wrapped Zero (wZER) is a Binance Smart Chain token. It belongs to the BEP-20 token standard, a clone of ERC-20 tokens. Wrapping.Services is the maintainer of the ZER/wZER bridge and of the wZER BSC smart contract. Users can opt to swap an amount of ZER for wZER in order to use them on the Binance Smart Chain. Users are able to swap these tokens back to ZER at any time. Both T & Z addresses are compatible, meaning both transparent & private transactions are accepted. For every ZER you send to the bridge, you will receive 1 wZER on the BSC. The total amount of wZER in circulation is always the total amount of ZER wrapped through the bridge. wZER that are unwrapped are burnt automatically by Wrapping.Services. wZER was created in an effort to amplify ZER’s functionality, visibility and to enable investors’ access to private DeFi.

What can I do with wZER?

wZER gives you access to the whole BSC DeFi Ecosystem. wZER will be first available at PancakeSwap with a wZER/USDT pool where you can exchange your wZER for USDT or any other asset that has a pool on PancakeSwap, even if it is not directly connected. This is done through a set of smart contracts that provide an automatic routing process. You can also opt to add wZER liquidity to an existing pool or to create a new liquidity pool to pair wZER to any asset of your choice.

When will the airdrops be taking place?

To get the ball rolling and incentivise early liquidity providers, a series of weekly airdrops will be taking place during April with additional airdrops planned for future dates.

The current airdrop proposal is for 5000 wZER. 100% of the airdrop will be disbursed to liquidity pool token holders who are providing liquidity to the wZER/USDT pool.

Here’s the current distribution of LP tokens:

This distribution will be based on 4 snapshot times throughout April. After each snapshot a total of 1250 wZER will be airdropped to the LP token holder addresses according to the percentage of the pool they hold. Make sure to save the following dates!

  • Monday 5th April - Snapshot 11:00 UTC
  • Monday 12th April - Snapshot 11:00 UTC
  • Monday 19th April - Snapshot 11:00 UTC
  • Monday 26th April - Snapshot 11:00 UTC


Here you can see answers to the frequently asked questions about ZER/wZER.

Is ZER going away?

No. ZER is the native coin of Zero’s ecosystem and is core to the Zero strategy.

Why was wZER created?

wZER was created in an effort to amplify ZER’s functionality, visibility and to enable investors’ access to private DeFi.

Is wZER a new coin being introduced?

No. wZER is the same coin as ZER.
To make it simple, wZER is ZER on the Binance Smart Chain.

What is the contract address of wZER on Binance Smart Chain?

wZER BEP-20 contract address: 0x530e9346870e632a63e8d461bb3c3622e00782de

Will wZER have a separate block explorer than the ZER block explorer to view the wZER activity?

Yes. wZER is on the standard BscScan explorer. You can see wZER on BscScan here.

Can we edit the BNB fee for transactions?

Experienced Metamask users may use the EDIT option to change the network fee for cheaper transaction fees. However, we suggest you leave the default fee in place as sometimes it can show as a failed transaction if set too low.

Is the total supply of wZER+ZER going to be more than total supply of ZER?

No. The total supply stays the same as the total supply of ZER. When you convert ZER to wZER, your ZER is locked and no one will have access to it until you convert back from wZER to ZER (you don’t have to.) If you choose to convert wZER to ZER, the amount of wZER you are converting is automatically burnt and an equal amount of ZER is unlocked and transferred to you.

DeFi just like Blockchain, is still very young and experimental. Please make sure that you understand all the risks. Do not use these technologies if you’re not aware of the risks and willing to run them.



Zero Currency

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