Why did we start Zerofirst Ventures?

Illai Gescheit
Zerofirst Ventures
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2020


We are at times that we need more leaders to take responsibility. We see today corporate that spent years scaling and building without paying attention to their environmental impact. Corporates are now on a journey to fix what they have broken and they come up with transformation programs to become net-zero.


“By 2030 Google is aiming to run our business on carbon-free energy everywhere, at all times.”



“In 2019, Amazon co-founded The Climate Pledge — a commitment to be net zero carbon across our business by 2040, 10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement.”


We see companies like Google , Amazon and even BP that sets their targets to become net zero in 10, 20 and 30 years from now. However, the climate crisis is here now and we don’t have time to wait so long. In addition, businesses still build with the same methodologies and the ones that scale quickly and become corporates, we will find them in 10–20 years from now figuring out they need another 20 years to eliminate carbon emissions from their processes.

If we’ve learned one thing from the last health crisis our world is in with COVID-19 is that we need a sense of urgency to fix climate change and we cannot be indifferent to it.

This is why we are building Zerofirst Ventures. We need a new way to build companies, businesses and products — sustainable and responsible way. We need to put it on the top of our priority lists of founders and entrepreneurs building high pace startups. In addition, we need to have a conversation about sustainability in the VC world. Investors need to care about the way founders approach their sustainability strategy and how their portfolio become net-zero.

Our team is here to inspire and empower our innovation communities, founders, investors and corporate partners to build better. We are building a network of leaders who will share best practices and help each other build product and ventures more responsibly, we are building frameworks and design methodologies to help startup get it done, and we will partner with startups that follow and align on our vision.

We are Zerofirst.

