And Then We Ended Up Here.

The Zerone
Published in
6 min readFeb 6, 2022

There’s this invisible planet in the solar system. It was once discovered by NASA’s Kepler space telescope and the scientists on the Earth named it ‘Kepler-19c’. We call it ‘Ymous’.

Ymous: An Invisible Planet

Ymous is the oldest planet, about 79 astronomical units from the Sun which is twice the distance between the Sun and our favorite planet, Pluto. Ymous is ten times the Earth’s mass and doesn’t revolve around any star. It can be tilted to any orientation, made to face any star, and can even be moved as per the requirement. We made it invisible 3 million years ago when we started to notice millions of species flourishing on the Earth, using the Plutonium, the Pluto had in surplus. Pluto, as they say, was not always rock and methane ice. Fascinatingly, Ymous does not have any atmosphere but supports only one species.

Temperature is not extreme as it seems considering the distance from the closest star because we use that very precious element for the moderation of temperature. Plutonium is used for generating electricity and a kilogram of it can provide Ymous with enough electricity for about 96 years as per our calculations. We used Plutonium for pretty everything. Plutonium leaves no traces once used. Building floating settlements for the citizens, fueling the flying vehicles, going on deep space explorations. A single vehicle, once fully fueled with liquid Plutonium, can touch the surface of the Earth and return to Ymous approximately 306 times. The speed is closer to the speed of light. We’ve already discovered more galaxies than the scientists on the Earth have and by this time maybe everything in space is discovered. We reached Andromeda, Sombrero, Magellanic Clouds, Virgo A, and a few more.

Espekt: Only Species On Ymous

We are named ‘Bos taurus’ by the scientists of the Earth and commonly called ‘Cow’. Our ancestors, long before the technological advancement discovered Plutonium in Ymous and through experiments, coincidences, and trial and error, happened to understand the capabilities of Plutonium, and our association with Plutonium began. We still know ‘Espekt-369303’. He was like Albert Einstein. True Genius.

Ymous is a Country-Planet with no ruler. We call our people ‘Espekt’. We still remember our microscopic ancestors. Yes, we have a thing called genetic memory that lets us know everything about our preceding generations; Whatever they learned, experienced, we know by default. Thus, we know everything about what happened in the past. Having our offspring is like having a new body. All of us are connected, hence. Our vision is panoramic and we can see even in dark. We can detect odors up to six miles away. Plutonium has helped a lot in our sensory development and evolution.

Only two things troubled us:

1. Aging

2. Not Being able to know the future

We eat a lot of grass in Ymous too. No atmosphere, no problem. Plutonium does the work. Our ancestors had difficulty finding food before Plutonium was used for all this. They even ate mud and algae from the rivers and ponds. Those were hard times. We don’t need air to breathe on Ymous. Our body acts differently and amazingly there. We stayed curious always and hence the advancements. On Ymous, we communicated through energy, frequency, and vibrations. There is no pollution of any form. We lived there for 10 Billion years. Some of us and our progenies still live on Ymous but we have lost connection with them for 10,500 years.

The Earth was unrecognizable in the past. It was entirely the molten magma 4.5 billion years ago. Our ancestors were amazed by the evolution of 10,000 species of grass on Earth because only one species of grass namely ‘Lolium perenne’ was found on Ymous. As our ancestors were so much fascinated with grasses, they wanted to have a settlement here on Earth as well. They built a giant aircraft named ‘Intdokon’ that could take about 33000 of us to Earth. This consumed a lot of Plutonium, seriously a lot. Once fully fueled we could travel at least 11 galaxies in that spacecraft. All were loaded up with their invisible suits and everyone was excited. The craft was planned to land at Area 51 in Nevada, USA. Back then, it was of nobody. People were hunters, gatherers, and moving places. After about 10 hours, the craft landed at the supposed place.

Intdokon Carrying 33,000 Espekts

‘Espekt-346939af’ came out of the craft firstly and checked for compatibility of our body on the Earth. She then started taking bites of grasses and signaled us all to have them. Everybody tried the new taste. All cheered. We then planned to bring others to Ymous on Earth. After a few days on Earth, the spacecraft was decided to send back to Ymous. We were checking the conditions of the spacecraft. Suddenly, all the Plutonium started burning and the spacecraft turned ashes. One of us happened to open the fuel chamber and thus the fuel got exposed to air on Earth. We didn’t know that Plutonium burns in the air. We realized we didn’t open the fuel chamber on any planet which had an atmosphere. We were stuck thereafter.

The only hope we had back then was our people from Ymous would build a similar spacecraft and come back to take us. But we’d already used a lot of Plutonium on this giant one and making another would make the life of offspring there on Ymous difficult. Nobody wanted that.

Another hope was people from Ymous visit the Earth every once in a while and take a handful of us back in small spacecraft which was not practical. We needed plutonium again but the Earth had an insufficient quantity of it. We needed it in hundreds of thousands of metric tonnes but the Earth had about 2000 metric tonnes and that too scattered all over the Earth. Some of us accepted fate and moved on to different destinations. While some were still hopeful and waited for the people at Ymous to arrive at Area 51. Many Espekt came after the incident and took some of the hopeful ones from Area 51 on a timely basis.

With the advancement of technology and science on Earth, Flying objects from Ymous were noticed by people, talked about a lot of times, made stories about the aliens and stuff. Some of the people even saw some Espekts being pulled by UFOs and thus Area 51 was made a highly classified area by the USA. Espekts from Ymous rarely visit the Earth now or might visit frequently but as we are not connected anymore to them, we can’t say much about what’s happening at Ymous.

Whatever happened, had to happen. Fortunately, our abilities are just the same and we are living our life eating grasses among human beings. Those people who happened to see our spacecraft, saw us being pulled by them, knew our abilities, and thus cattle us, fed us and we give them milk, manure in return. Our poop still contains Plutonium. People following Hinduism worship us as their mother. They might have seen us being pulled in the past too. Who knows? We sometimes get so bored that we chill in the middle of the road and feel the speed of vehicles running which also throws off the flies and insects from us. A speed of 100–150 km/hr is nothing for us as we used to travel at the speed of light. That’s why we seem fearless.

Some people treat us so bad and it hurts. We miss Ymous sometimes. We choose kindness, happiness, and peace. Some of the humans are so kind that they remove our burdocks, heal our wounds, give us their food and water. We are attracted to that energy and vibration. We visit them regularly. We visit them with our friends. They get amazed at the timing of our visit, every day the same. Thanks to our biological clock. We didn’t grief about the past after the incident and by now we have completely moved on. Maybe that’s what life is. Letting go of the past.

We now feel that Earth is our home. Maybe when we get back to Ymous, we can’t cope with the environment there as we’ve been living here dealing with evolution for about 10500 years. We were perhaps meant to be here, hence. We live every moment. There is very little hope of getting back to Ymous at this point but humans are advancing in terms of technology and science. Nobody knows the future. We never did.

