Anti — Social Media

praveen giri
The Zerone
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2020

Imagine life without social media for a month or at least a week, you can hardly. Even if we isolate for 24 hours our fingertips and mind desperately want to scroll the newsfeed of social media esp. Facebook, Twitter, Insta, snapchat, WhatsApp, Viber and the lists go on …..

We are lucky that we are the youth of this century, the century of IoT (internet of things), I feel it. But what really cling my mind often is Are these kinds of stuff really making us social as they are called??

Few times I ask myself should I pretend to be happy in this virtual world as all do or are they really happy every day as they seem. Don’t this make a depressed one, more depressed? Should I also cover my originality inside those edited backgrounds?? I don’t know why one should fake for whom they aren’t, what they aren’t?? You should know you’re beautiful just the way you are. Even the holy moon have scars, I am human and I have and so you’ve too. If anyone can’t tolerate it’s not my problem neither yours, it’s the reflection of their thoughts that they can’t accept the difference prevalent in this nature. We can just pray for them that one day they may learn beauty remains inside your heart, the past one was a reflection of ugliness inside you.

Till this day I spend, my experience says most of us must learn the use of these media at the right time for the right purpose (this includes me too.) Neither I’m a tutor of this discipline nor I’ve any plan to be. But when I see people using their mobile phones during a talk, get together, during a coffee with one’s folks and so on, I feel sorry for those guys. Sometimes my mind gets encircled with a lot of unanswered questions
like Is being social is to chat with others in FB though you have one to talk with next to you?? How many talks I could have with the future doctors, lawyers, leaders, writers, and how many of them I missed because they were busy in their own virtual world?? And definitely you could have too….

When I speak to the so-called informed youth, I feel like social media is teasing them ironically for their unsocial manner. But they hardly can recognize. We have learned a lot to speak and write because of these media, I appreciate that and most of us too but we have lost our hearing capability. There are few of us who listen or read the whole story before making those savage and sadistic comments. Everybody by nature wants to be in comfort zone and the social media is directly or indirectly nurturing it. The practice of respecting discrete thoughts is in a coma. Few of the youth who called themselves progressive stay silent saying why I should strain if other is ok with it.

Many of us insist on why I should call first?? They don’t really care about the relationship as if they have taken an oath not to text first. I wonder how many of the great minds and those sweethearts we lost. And after all that we fool is trying to grow a new seed of friendship deserting the old grown ones (don’t misinterpret it saying I advocate against making new ones). Hope one day you will learn the importance.

Nether I can change your mind nor your way of using the social media, I can only stimulate you for right deeds, you and only you have rights to decide about your life and way of living. But consider the things around before acting.

