Article Guidelines for The Zerone 2021

The Zerone
The Zerone
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2021


The following are the guidelines that every article submitted to us ought to follow. The ‘Major Guidelines’ listed below have to be adhered to and failure to do so will result in the article being rejected. The ‘Minor Guidelines’ are more lax in that regard but we strongly encourage you to follow them. The team shall not be liable to inform the author if the article submitted by him/her is rejected.

Major Guidelines:

  1. While the articles submitted to us do not have to be strictly related to Technology, we do prefer them. It has to be said, however, that we do NOT accept deeply technical writings and/or research papers. These belong in the Zerone Scholar, a companion piece for the Zerone, to be released later.
  2. We also believe strongly in art being the vehicle upon which technology reaches the audience it wants to cater to. And so, we accept all kinds of writings including poems, essays, stories, short blogs and the like.
  3. All articles must stand on their own merit. No article sent to us with personal recommendations shall be accepted. No articles with any political or commercial agenda shall be accepted.
  4. Any articles found to be plagiarized or copy-pasted from the Internet and/or elsewhere shall be rejected. However, paraphrasing is acceptable insofar as the article you have written presents the same idea in a different language and you cite the source in any acceptable format. [Preferably, APA with in-line citations aka ‘Wikipedia’-style citations]

Minor Guidelines:

  1. Articles written poorly are easier to reject. Articles that display blatant disregard for the language will not be accepted.


  • ‘Contrary to popular belief, technology and art can go hand-in-hand.’ [Accepted]
  • ‘Technology and art can co-exist no matter what is believed.’ [Edited and Accepted]
  • ‘Technology n art can exist together no matter what people believe.’ [Rejected]

2. The language of publication for the magazine this year is English and Nepali. We do not accept articles written in other languages. While small snippets of other languages are acceptable, please provide a translation in a footnote or in a bracket and italicize the word used.

3. If your choice of language is Nepali, please type it up in the correct acceptable format before sending to us. It should not be sent in Nepali-English format.


  • ‘गुरु ती हुन जस्ले हाम्रो जीवनमा सत्य र ज्ञानको आमुल्य शिक्षा दिन्छन । ’ [Accepted]
  • ‘Malie ali ali matra Nepali aaucha.’ [Rejected]

4. We prefer that you send us your articles in a .doc or .odt format. In essence, any document that can be edited from MS-Word and/or Google Docs is acceptable.

5. If you have used images in your writing, please provide the source of the image alongside the caption within parentheses. If you have created a meme through an app/website with in-built templates, please mention the app/website in the caption.

6. If the article you have sent us deviates too far away from the sentiment of the magazine, the article may be published on our our Medium Page. At this point, we shall inform you of the same.

7. We do allow rants as a genre of expression. However, the use of swear words is strongly discouraged. You may use asterisks to obscure the word, retaining only the first letter. At the same time, the rants must not be written for the sake of writing them. Any rants sent to us must be well-thought and well-written.


  • ‘Why the f*** would you include swear words in an article written to a college tech-magazine?’ [Accepted if the surrounding context is compelling enough]

8. There are no hard restrictions on length. Anything that can be read within 5 minutes is acceptable, that is to say somewhere around 1500 words. But it is to be noted that the chances of an article being selected decrease exponentially with the word count exceeding 1500.

9. There are no restrictions when it comes to who you are. We accept articles from anybody and everybody who wishes to send us their articles.

