Dear Moon

The Monster
The Zerone
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2022


Dear Moon,

Oi, hey there! Haven’t spoken with you for a while. It’s me, your old Earthling friend. I just want you to know I am coming soon. Yes, it’s happening.

This may be the first time my voice is reaching you and I know you must be thinking, “Oh great, another one of those Earthlings coming to trample all over my beautiful skin and leave their garbage behind.” But don’t worry. I’m not like others. I promise I plan to respect your boundaries.

I’ve been preparing for this journey for a long time now. I remember the first time I saw you; I was a kid, and you were a glowing orb in the night sky. I have always been drawn to you and I have found myself gazing up at you with a sense of awe and wonder. Your beauty is unparalleled, and I am filled with a sense of longing every time I look at you. I have always longed to stand on your surface, to feel the cold embrace and the roughness of your soil beneath my feet.

For a long time, I thought we can never be together. You were out of reach, a distant and unattainable dream. But now, soon I will be near you, touch you and know you in a way only hand full of people have known.

So please, Moon, don’t be scared. I am but a mere mortal, bound to earth by the constraints of my flesh and blood. So, this will be just a short visit. And I promise on behalf of all human race when we come to stay with you, we will leave all our little squabble behind.

See you soon,

An admirer

Soon-to-be visitor



The Monster
The Zerone

I am just a wanderer on this earth, pondering the mysteries of the universe and leaving my mark in the form of stories for all humanity to read.