The Zerone
Published in
6 min readDec 16, 2023


Echoes from the Depths of Space: The Day We Found Aliens

“And now, the moment our audience has been eagerly awaiting! I would like to call upon Dr. Hofstadter, our leading astrobiologist and an esteemed scientist, to make this unprecedented announcement.”

“Thank you, Dr. Johnson. Good morning, distinguished audience, and once again, welcome to NASA Headquarters. I am Dr. Ellie Hofstadter, and I have proudly been a part of NASA for the last seven years, delving into the observation and study of exoplanets and moons in our solar system. Today, I am excited to share with you our profound discoveries about one of the most fascinating celestial bodies, Europa, one of the many moons of Jupiter.

Source: NASA | The surface of Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons

Captured by the Galileo spacecraft back in 1995, Europa intrigued our team of scientists with its bizarre fractured and discolored patterns scattered throughout the surface. We have been speculating about the presence of water beneath its thick icy shell and constantly observing the freckles and cracked regions through our satellites. New observations were made with our latest, incredibly capable James Webb telescope. The atmospheric spectrometric analysis with its infrared spectrometers made fascinating revelations. We have detected methane, ozone, hydrogen sulfide, nitrous oxide, and ammonia — all associated with biological processes on Earth. I won’t bore you further with scientific details, but, after our extensive peer-review process, the confidence level has been unparalleled, reaching 6 sigma! PEOPLE, WE HAVE FOUND ALIENS! … Although our understanding of these life forms is still rudimentary, the observations strongly suggest they are carbon-based. We’re in the early stages of deciphering their biochemistry — whether they are single-celled or multicellular. Without a doubt, the quest for understanding life beyond Earth has entered a new era. We invite the world to join us in this unprecedented journey of exploration and discovery as this new extraordinary Odyssey unfolds. At this instance, we are refraining from taking questions. Thank you for your attention and presence. ”

And just like that, the greatest thing that anyone will hear in their lifetime was announced. Until this moment, the vast distances in the Milky Way, which get colder and dimmer the further we look, ignited nothing but fear, asking us to hold each other more tightly. But the pale-blue-dot finally had a companion! What followed was the grandest celebration in the history of humankind. As the news echoed around the world, celebrations erupted in major cities. Streets overflowed with jubilant crowds, waving flags and chanting in unison, accompanied by the popping of champagne bottles. The revelation also directly challenged the worldview of billions, casting shadows on the cherished belief that they are the unique creations of a mighty creator. They realized they were neither special nor the center of the universe but some choose to cling to their doctrines, denying the profound reality unfolding before them. Undoubtedly, the revelation shattered many long-established paradigms of humankind. Yet, the night sky burst into radiant fireworks, symbolizing the collective joy and excitement that saturated every corner of the globe. The bedtime tales about aliens that once kept kids awake at night were finally discovered to be real.

However, just days after the initial announcement, new revelations emerged. An unnamed leaker, claiming to be a former NASA representative through a reputed online media outlet, alleged that NASA had concealed the discovery for over two years, predating the James Webb launch. Shockingly, the scientific community was also aware of the discovery but had chosen to keep it secret from the general public. The leaker further asserted that the news was originally intended to remain under wraps for an even longer duration. However, due to a disagreement based on ethical considerations within the community, they decided to make the groundbreaking discovery public. The news gained momentum among the public, yet many skeptics wondered why NASA would keep such exciting revelations hidden from public ears. As the credibility of this assertion diminished, the leaker resurfaced, presenting a recording to CNN that purportedly captured a conversation between Dr. Hofstadter and a potential intern at NASA before the official announcement.

“…But we found aliens! Such a groundbreaking news to share! I still don’t understand why it was kept a secret for so long…”

“Adam, until this time, the profound silence, despite the potential for countless life forms on thousands of Earth-like planets across the sky, only indicated one and only thing: something truly extraordinary, the one-of-a-kind event that occurs once in a gazillion years, happened here on Earth when the dead chemistry finally woke up and shouted, ‘I am alive!’ It meant we humans were the first and alone in a universe-sized playground, and there was a chance that we would one day whisper the stories of life across even the darkest and quietest corners of the universe. But the discovery changes everything.”

“But how Dr. Ellie?”

“Give it a thought Adam, the discovery of life existing in such an extreme habitat beneath the more than twenty-kilometer-thick icy shell of Europa, a mere moon of Jupiter, means that the transformation of inert chemistry into living biology is not a rare occurrence. The Milky Way alone boasts more than 400 billion stars! There are tens of billions of sun-like stars. Numbers don’t lie, there should be tens of hundreds of planets harboring life in the Milky Way alone, and that’s not even accounting for the countless rogue planets and moons like Europa. The universe, at 13.8 billion years old, is much older than the sun. There has been sufficient time for intelligent life to evolve much more advanced than ours, yet we have never observed any extraterrestrial civilizations. This either means that something is preventing life from growing and evolving beyond a certain threshold or that all life forms are inherently corrupt in their nature, and their desperate, selfish desires ultimately drive them to extinction. It probably means that no matter how high we humans try to jump, we will just plunge back to the soil, and one day we will just cease to exist, as if there was nothing of our form ever before, and our great tales of the sandcastle will likely fade into oblivion before reaching the grand canvas of the universe. Do you still believe that news of our impending doom is worth celebrating?”

“But… why are you making this announcement, then?”

“Well I don’t want to! The news will eventually break people but the community disagrees and they claim that it is unethical to keep it a secret from the people, they deserve to know and perhaps they will find a way to live with that. They threaten to leak the news. We had no choice. It’s almost comical, we couldn’t keep it a secret for two years and people to this day believe moon landing was faked!…”

The broadcast, officially aired by CNN, made its way to the ears of the public. NASA never acknowledged the recording, yet the authenticity was almost certain from the recognized voice of Dr. Hofstadter. What followed was a haunting scene — broken souls drifting aimlessly through the streets, wrestling with the weight of newfound insignificance and meaninglessness. A calm settled over the streets, the fireworks dampening like far-off echoes, and the once lively excitement fading into a gentle whisper. It was almost as if the world had stopped functioning. Yet, to everyone’s surprise, the gloomy days were slowly overthrown as the glimmer of hope emerged. The community was right; people did find a way to live with that.

Some clung to the belief that humans might be the first intelligent species in the universe. The micro life forms potentially present in Europa could be widespread across the universe, but nothing may have reached human levels of abstraction and complexity. Perhaps some of the steps we’ve taken through 3.8 billion years of evolution are nearly impossible for other life forms, making human intelligence a rare phenomenon, and humans the pioneers in the universal timeline.

Others grappled with the realization that it might not make a difference because what we have here, and for how long, is undeniably special. It was as if the universe played a devious game we couldn’t win, yet it couldn’t render our existence obsolete because it was, ultimately, irrelevant. The melody in music, the purity of love, the compassion in kindness, and the warmth of the fire — all these qualities that define our existence will persist. They believed our inventions and accomplishments would continue to signify the value we’ve assigned them, while the universe may steer the ship as we traverse the vast ocean, what matters is the meaning we derive and live with from the discoveries along the way. In this brief moment in time when matter woke up to greet the universe, we should take a moment to acknowledge our worth because under any circumstances, we are special.

And so, in the face of adversity, humankind found ways to hope..

