Educational Conflict- “Why ? vs Why not?”

Words which lies in the pinnacle of civilizational success , “Why?” and “Why not?”.

Anuj Poudel
The Zerone
2 min readJun 8, 2017


“Why?” , one of the most smartest and conflicting word we had ever came across. Human civilization came into existence due to the aura created by this word. Being the most unsatisfied species, human always strives toward more knowledge, which is supported by the word “why?”.


“Why not?”, one of the most innovative word we had ever came across. The basement of every civilization is the mentioned word.“Why not?” can be considered as the soul of optimization , which is the reason behind the technology.

Let’s relate “why?” and “why not?” with education system in Nepal.

Nepali education system is setting the mind of students to ask teacher “why?” instead of “why not?”

“Why?”enables the students to gain huge amount of knowledge. This word is the way of expressing curiosity , which is very much beneficial to students. Teachers are also eager to give the answer of the question raised by “why?” . Parents also want their child to raise the question “why?” . Overall this word fills a huge pit of eagerness in students.

But in my personal view “why?” is confined or provincial word. Students might get the knowledge by expressing “why?” but they do not achieve innovation. Our educational system pushes the student who questions “why not this?” in shadow. Teachers do not appreciate it, and parents also don’t. This is the cause that we always study others invention.

Educational goal should be set such that the students have question “Why not?” . Teachers should give priority to “why not” questions and so should parents. This is one of the clue for the innovative inventions and optimization. This might be the way to achieve different research in our own country and this is definitely the way to expand the provincial knowledge to universal .

