
Barsha Pandey
The Zerone
Published in
1 min readJan 4, 2017

Whenever I am in tears, I have shoulders to cry on,
Whenever there is pain, a kind hand appears to hold on,
Whenever happiness is around, exchange of greetings go on,
Whenever problems seem so huge, they are there to solve my confusion.

Words can’t describe the feeling to have them around,
Like the sun whose light gives me warmth,
The hope to sustain and the vigor to not give in,
Like are my friends who bring that strength,
To move on and let go of the things not meant.

All my life I have wondered what makes this bondage so special,
Is it the grace of that lord or the all-pervading love we fill our hearts,
We come in proximity of people we never knew before,
Then we share our world and pour our secrets in whole.

Some may say it was created in heaven,
But it is us who strive to save it,
If our friendship is deceived by fate,
Or we don’t find a chance to see anymore,
I shall always have you in me my friend,
Because we take a part of each other wherever we go.

