Half life

Shivu Pandey
The Zerone
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2019


Can you imagine a day without technology?I am sure about that you cant imagine a day without technology. We cant imagine what our life would be without technology as we are dependent on it.We are living in the 21st century or the age of science and technology. Technology affects people all over the world, both positively and negatively. Technology has become so helpful to our lives in so many ways. Technology is convenient and efficient. It aids us to live life more conveniently by allowing us to do more in less effort. Many people have benefited from the invention of technology and would most often find it complicated to do without.

When a child is born,from the small age he/she is connected to technology which causes negative impact on them. Although technology does provide many positive benefits for learning, it also can have several negative effects on child development and quality of life.From the vary age he/she is connected to technology then how can we imagine then without a use of technology in further future.Just imagine for a while, when there was no lights, no Internet, no email, no social network,no phone etc. The reality is that those tech devices profoundly shape our lives and preferences and we cant imagine not just a day ,just a minute without modern technology.Parents are unable to control their children, simply because they pay more attention to technology than to their kids. It’s really important to look at your baby’s face. Feeding and nappy-changing alone aren’t enough. A hug and quick kiss aren’t enough. Babies need to be talked to, tickled, massaged, and played with. And it’s a two-way process; a mother and her child need to be paying attention to each other, they need to engage and connect. Technology such as computers, smart phones and television encourages them to be sedentary when they get home from school, as opposed to going outside and playing with other kids.

Today, almost all we do is reliant on technology. We have smartphones,playstation, and computers just to mention a few. Technology is useful but sometimes overused and other times even misused. Some are addicted to their phones or their computers. You may have noted how people constantly keep checking their phones for texts or emails. We always thought that technology gave us happiness, but that is far from the truth. It is artificial and temporary happiness.

A day without technology has some benefits which are mention here-Quality time can be spent with friends and even family. One can have enough or a lot of fun with no interruptions from calls or texts from other people including friends or even workmates. Story and experience sharing with the friends and family are achievable in a day with no technology. You can engage in refreshing activities and games together and have fun. Sometimes keeping off technology is fun as it allows you to have outdoor activities as much as you want, or you may like.

We are just talking about a single day! What impact it will have on economical growth and development of a country as all the communication services would be out of service?Do think that you will be performing better in academics or at job without internet? Is there any benefit of living a day without technology?With whom and how will you spend your day? That would be the perfect ‘hell’ for new generations.At last,life is not completed without technology or rather life would be half without modern technology in 21's Century….

