introducing a piece of technology

“Hello World”: Teaching Technology to All

The Zerone
Published in
13 min readJan 2, 2023


We believe that technology has the power to transform lives and bring people together, and we’re excited to share that power with you. So, let’s dive in!

We are living in the era of technology. Everything within 5 years we saw drastically changes in the field of technology. Our daily life from cooking food to studying materials to our vehicles to way of earning money all depends in technology.

As I am talking with keyword “technology” What the heck “technology” means?
The word technology comes from two Greek words, transliterated techne and logos. Techne means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing is gained. Logos means word, the utterance by which inward thought is expressed, a saying, or an expression. (link)
In simple, technology means tools, device, and systems that are use to do tasks and solve our problems. Technolgy can include from very simple tolls like screwdriver, scissors to complex systems we have now like computers and smartphones.

Let me divide this topic into small chunks “Hello, World!”. Firstly, some of whom are not from programming background. Thinking about “hello world” as a greeting. As you know during greeting say “hello” with name of person. Am I right? Now I want to describe little on it.

The phrase “Hello, World!” is often used as the first example of code when learning a programming language because it is a simple program that is easy to understand and implement. It typically consists of a single line of code that outputs the text “Hello, World!” to the screen.

The purpose of printing “Hello, World!” when learning programming is to provide a basic example that demonstrates how to use the programming language to create a simple program. By starting with a program that is easy to understand and modify, beginners can get a feel for how the language works and how to write code.

“Hello, World!” is a simple yet powerful example that can be used to demonstrate many of the fundamental concepts of programming, such as how to use variables and data types, how to use loops and control structures, and how to write and run a program.

I only focus on providing a clear and comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts and skills related to technology in the field of computer science.

In this writing, I will be introducing the basic concepts and skills related to technology, with a focus on making the material accessible from beginner level. Whether you are a complete beginner or have some experience with computers, this will provide you a solid foundation in technology for all learners. In this writing I am mainly talking about computer and basic programming. By the end of this course, you will have a good understanding of the fundamental building blocks of technology and how they can be applied in your personal and professional life.”

What is computer?

well, A computer is made up of hardware, which refers to the physical components that make up the machine. The most important hardware component is the central processing unit (CPU), which is the brain of the computer like we human have and is responsible for executing instructions. The CPU is connected to memory (RAM), which is a type of temporary storage that holds data and instructions that the CPU uses while the computer is running. The hard drive is a type of permanent storage that holds data even when the computer is turned off. The motherboard is a circuit board that connects the different hardware components together. By the end of this lesson, you will have a good understanding of the fundamental building blocks of a computer and how they work together.

One of main thing you need to know that after building a computer with all necessary parts. It needs to run if not why should we call it computer(i.e automation). So, that OS(Operating System) which controller all the working follow of computer and it is software part of computer. Which is crucial part for computer. I think you also heard about (windows, macOS, Linux) they are operating system of computer.

Parts Of A Computer And Their Functions (All Components) (

After you know What is exactly computer is now, I would like to talk about programming and how to start it to build something that help people around you.

What is programming?

Have you ever thought how you are able to read this post, how you are playing games in the mobile, or video calling anything like that. If you are then congrats! you are already fall in love with technology.

Let me talk about programming simple the way of communicating with systems, applications. programming is a way to use technology to create and control various kinds of systems and applications. It is a powerful tool that allows us to solve problems and automate tasks in many different fields and industries.

If you know how to program or how to write code, then you will create a wide range of applications and systems, such as software programs, websites, mobile apps, and computer games. It can also be used to control and automate various kinds of devices and systems, such as robots, sensors, and machines.

If you are confused about how to dirty your hands in learning programming, there are tips/tricks from different resources.

If you are a complete beginner and are interested in learning programming, there are a few steps you can take to get started:

  1. Choose a programming language: There are many different programming languages (C, C++, JS, PYTHON, JAVA, and many more…) to choose from, each with its own strengths and uses. It is a good idea to do some research and find a language that interests you and that is well-suited to the types of projects you want to work on. I will recommend you to start with C/C++ which will help you to know how to create each module from scratch.
  2. Get a computer and set up a development environment: In order to write and run code, you will need a computer and a development environment. A development environment is a set of tools that allows you to write, test, and debug code.
  3. Start with the basics: Once you have a development environment set up, you can start learning the basics of programming. This might involve learning about variables, data types, control structures, and other fundamental concepts.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello World!";
// different types of data types
int a;
string word;
float b;
// control statements
// syntax: if (condition) statement
// looping

return 0;

4. Practice, practice, practice: The best way to learn programming is to practice. As you learn new concepts, try writing code to put them into action. It is also a good idea to work on small projects and build up to larger ones as you gain more experience.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Learning programming can be challenging, and it is normal to have questions and encounter problems along the way. It is okay to ask for help when you need it. There are many resources available, including online forums, tutorials, and communities of programmers who are happy to help out beginners.

After good grasp on one programming language, you will choose which field are you interested like web development, app development, data science, AI etc.

It is also important to be patient and to allow the beginner
to take their time. Learning technology can be challenging,
and it is normal for people to need time to absorb and
understand new concepts.

Making children interest towards technology is pretty easy because nowadays everyone has smartphones/computers in their home. And little kids are so interested in playing games in those devices. Using application like scratch which was made by MIT for teaching programming in the format of games.

Explaining programming to children can be a fun and rewarding task. Here are a few tips for helping children understand programming which I take from different programmers’ articles.

Tips and Tricks
  1. Start by explaining what programming: You can say something like “Programming is a way to make computer to do task.”
    Use simple examples to help children understand how programming works. For example, you can explain how to use a simple block-based programming language(scratch) to make a character move across the screen.
  2. By creating hands on stubs: Show children how programming can be used to solve real-world problems. For example, you can explain how programming is used to create apps/web/game.
  3. Making them interest with topics like games.
  4. Giving them computers for hands on practices.
  5. Helping them with proper instruction and motivation.

Here I want to make beginner to dirt their hands. By learning fundamental of programming.
When you are starting you must know which will help you to learn other languages easily.

  1. Variables : A variable is a piece of memory that can hold a value of a specific data type, such as an integer, a floating point number, or a character. In C, you must declare the data type and name of a variable before you can use it in your code.
  2. Data types: C supports several built-in data types, including integers (int), floating point numbers (float), and characters (char). You can also define your own custom data types using struct and typedef.
  3. Operators: Operators are special symbols that perform operations on variables and values. C supports a variety of operators, including arithmetic operators (e.g. +, -, *, /), assignment operators (e.g. =, +=, -=), and comparison operators (e.g. ==, !=, <, >).
  4. Control structures: Control structures allow you to control the flow of execution of your program. C supports several control structures, including if statements, for loops, and while loops.

Now take each of them with examples:

How the program looks like in C.

#include<stdio.h>                         //header files
int main() //main function
printf("Hello World!"); // code
return(0); //returning value to int main()

printf function

It is used to show output on the screen.

printf("Hello World!");

scanf function

It is used to show output on the screen.

scanf("format_specifier", &variables)


int a;
scanf("%d",&a); // for taking input
printf("%d",&a); // for printing output


A comment is code not executed by the compiler, and the programmer uses it to keep track of the code.

Single line comment

// It's a single line comment

Multi-line comment

/* It's a

Data types

The data type is the type of data

1. Character type

Typically a single octet(one byte). It is a character type

char variable_name;

format specifier of character is “%c”

char x;
scanf(" %c",&x);
printf("character is %c",x)

2. integer type

To store non-decimal numeric values integer type is used

int variable_name;

format specifier of integer is “%d”

int a;

3. Float type

To store decimal numeric values float type is used

float variable_name;

format specifier of float is “%f”

float b;

4. Double type

To store a double-precision floating-point value

double variable_name;

format specifier of double is “%f”

double ch;

5. Void type

Represents the absence of the type void

Escape Sequences

It is a sequence of characters starting with a backslash, and it doesn’t represent itself when used inside a string literally.


It produces a beep sound

#include<stdio.h>int main()
return 0;

2. Backspace

#include<stdio.h>int main()
return 0;

Form feed

#include<stdio.h>int main()
return 0;


#include<stdio.h>int main()
printf("\\n"); // for new line
printf("after new line');
return 0;
after new line

Carriage return

#include<stdio.h>int main()
return 0;


#include<stdio.h>int main()
return 0;


#include<stdio.h>int main()
return 0;

Single quote

#include<stdio.h>int main()
printf("\\'"); //It adds a single quotation mark
return 0;

Question mark

#include<stdio.h>int main()
printf("\\?"); //It adds a question mark
return 0;

Octal Number

#include<stdio.h>int main()
printf("\\nnn"); //It represents the value of an octal number
return 0;

Hexadecimal Number

#include<stdio.h>int main()
printf("\\xhh"); //It represents the value of a hexadecimal number
return 0;


#include<stdio.h>int main()
printf("\\0"); //The null character is usually used to terminate a string
return 0;

Conditional Instructions

Conditional statements are used to perform operations based on some condition. They help us to implement our own logic.

If Statement

if (/* condition */)
/* code */

If-else Statement

if (/* condition */)
/* code */
/* Code */

if else-if Statement

if (condition) {
// Statements;
else if (condition){
// Statements;
// Statements

nested if-else

if (/* condition */)
if (/* condition */)
/* code */
/* Code */
/* Code */

Switch Case Statement

It allows a variable to be tested for equality against a list of values (cases).

switch (expression)
case constant-expression:
case constant-expression:

Iterative Statements

Iterative statements facilitate programmers to execute any block of code lines repeatedly and can be controlled as per conditions added by the programmer.

C programming has three types of loops:

  1. while loop
  2. do…while loop
  3. for loop

while Loop

It allows execution of statement inside the block of the loop until the condition of loop succeeds.

while (/* condition */)
/* code */

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int i=1;

while(i < 10)
printf("%d ", i);
return 0;
// output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

do-while loop

It is an exit-controlled loop. It is very similar to the while loop with one difference, i.e., the body of the do-while loop is executed at least once even if the expression is false

/* code */
} while (/* condition */);
// Print numbers from 1 to 10
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int i=1;

printf("%d ", i);
return 0;
// output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

for loop

It is used to iterate the statements or a part of the program several times. It is frequently used to traverse the data structures like the array and linked list.

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
/* code */

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int i;

for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
printf("%d ", i);
return 0;
// output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Break Statement

break keyword inside the loop is used to terminate the loop


Continue Statement

continue keyword skips the rest of the current iteration of the loop and returns to the starting point of the loop


Functions & Recursion

Functions are used to divide an extensive program into smaller pieces. It can be called multiple times to provide reusability and modularity to the C program.

Function Definition

return_type function_name(data_type parameter...){
//code to be executed

Function Call


return_type in functions

The function return statement returns the specified value or data item to the caller. If we do not want to return any value simply place a void before function name while defining it.

return_type function_name()
return value;

Parameters in function

Parameters are the values passed inside the parenthesis of the function while defining as well as while calling.

return_type function_name(data_type parameter...){     //defining the functions with parameters
//code to be executed
function_name(parameter...); //calling the functions with parameters

ways of calling a function

  1. With return value and with parameters
  2. without return value and with parameters
  3. with return value and without parameters
  4. without return value and without parameters


Recursion is when a function calls a copy of itself to work on a minor problem. And the function that calls itself is known as the Recursive function

void recursion_function()
... .. ...
... .. ...


In c programming an array is a collection of data items of the same data type.


data_type array_name[array_size];
int main()
int arr[10];
char arrChar [] = {'a','b','g','d'};

Accessing element

data_type variable_name = array[index];


We can also say that string in one kind of array. A string is a 1-D character array terminated by a null character (‘\0’).


char str_name[size];


gets("string"); //It allows you to enter multi-word string


puts("string");  //It is used to show string output


strlen(string_name); //It is used to calculate the length of the string


strcpy(destination, source); //It is used to copy the content of second-string into the first string passed to it.


strcat(first_string, second_string); // It is use to concate two strings together


strcmp(first_string, second_string); //It is used to compare two strings


strlwr(string_name); //It is used to covert characters of strings into lowercase


strupr(string_name);  //It is used to covert characters of strings into uppercase


strrev(string_name); //It is used to reverse the string


The structure is a collection of variables of different types under a single name. Defining structure means creating a new data type. Array vs structures is that the way of storing different types of data.

Structure syntax

struct structureName
dataType member1;
dataType member2;

typedef keyword

typedef function allows users to provide alternative names for the primitive and user-defined data types.

typedef struct structureName
dataType member1;
dataType member2;

I think these concepts are enough for first time learner. After that you should try to solve problems based on above topics which will really help you to easily grave the way of solving problems in real life. Go to sites like hackerone, codechef, hackerank, etc. After good understanding fundamental of programming, you need to push yourself to DSA. By knowing how to work with data now you should take your interest in development like websites, mobile app, Artificial Intelligence, data mining etc. Make some projects in related field finally you are ready for landing into market.

Thank you for reading my writing where I talk about what is computer to how to make your hands dirt with coding for all types of technology enthusiasts. Starting with scratch to writing real code by printing “Hello world!” as your first program in your entire like :).

Hope, This will really help all of you. Signing out for today.

