Ritesh Bista
The Zerone
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2020



This era is dominated by inventions, innovations and discoveries. We are surrounded by science and technology. The creative minds of humans, hunger for development and technology passion has driven us to this sophistication and comfort. We have all the information in our fingertips and can deliver messages to our kith and kin in a fraction of second. This milestone is a perfect combination of hardware and software manipulated by creative minds. Flutter is one of them.

What is flutter?

Flutter is a free and open-source Google mobile UI framework created by Google that provides a fast and expressive way for developers to develop applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Google Fuchsia, and the web.

Why Flutter?

1. Super Easy
You will be able to create a flutter app really quickly.It is somehow similar to javascript. Flutter is very similar to Oop languages
If you have programming experience in any of the Object-Oriented Programming languages then you will have good time learning flutter.
It is based on the Dart programming language, which is new, but really easy to learn and get started with.

2. One code For All
Flutter helps to create a cross-platform which means you will be able to create both Android and Ios apps with the help of flutter
In Future You will be able to use a hummingbird to create a web app with a dart and you will be able to create a desktop application.
This feature will save your productive time. This is really a very good reason to start learning flutter that one code helps to create apps for Android, Ios, Desktop, and web.

3.High performance
Flutter provides its own widgets, drawn with its own high-performance rendering engine. They are fast, pretty, and customizable.
Due to the Flutter team’s careful implementation of the Material design specification, it’s easy to create powerful UI experiences right out of the box.
It helps produce the smooth, crisp experience you typically only see with native applications because Flutter’s release build is a native application.
flutter’s performance is similar to native app performance.

4.Hot Reload
Flutter also has a hot reload feature similar to that in React Native which allows developers to view real-time changes in output simultaneously while changing the code itself. As soon as we update our code and hit save your UI will change in the fraction of second You will soon be able to create an amazing app
As mentioned above, Hot Reload in flutter development allows developers to see the real-time changes in the output of their code whilst they are making changes to it. For developers, it reduces the hassle of reloading. this helps to save a lot of time with the help of a hot reload. With the help of hot reload Your development time will decrease by 40%

5.Awesome Designing
The UI components in Flutter facilitate the building of visually attractive apps for both Android & iOS operating systems.
Flutter comes with material design widgets for android app development, and Cupertino widgets for iOS app development.
Flutter apps look and feel great and you can create your own custom app design, but also use readily available UI elements following specific platforms’ guidelines.
Flutter has widgets that implement the Human Interface Design specifications for iOS, allowing you to get that native “feel” on iPhone and iPad as well.

6.Widget For Everything
In flutter, everything is a widget. If you’ve worked with React or Vue before, that'll be easy. Everything in Flutter is a Widget, much like in JavaScipt frameworks you’re working with small reusable components. And a Widget is nothing more than a Dart class that extends a Flutter class.

Flutter widgets are built using a modern framework that takes inspiration from React. The central idea is that you build your UI out of widgets. When a widget’s state changes, the widget rebuilds its description, in which the framework differs against the previous description in order to determine the minimal changes needed in the underlying render tree to transition from one state to the next.

