I Am Generation Equality:

Evasana Pradhan
The Zerone
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2020

Gender inequality is blatantly evident all around the world. It has become such a common practice to oppress the female gender that some people find harassment and violence to be normal. If we look at the history itself, from being treated in an inhumane manner with cruelty and violence to having not even fundamental rights, women have always had it hard to fit in the male-dominated society.
Especially in developing and patriarchal countries like Nepal, women are considered as objects. Sati Pratha, Chaupadi Pratha, Dahej Pratha are only a few examples of ‘social norms’ that show how much a woman has no say in any matter even regarding her body. The right to vote, education, freedom of speech and the fundamental human rights were enshrined by the United Nations not long ago.

And let us look at the present.

Any gender other than the male is still considered as a minority struggling to feel free. Acid attacks, rape, abuse, harassment, and violence towards females have increased in such a way that makes us question humanity. Why do we hear about shameful irresponsible teenage moms, but never about teenage dads? Does the term teenage dad even exist? Society demonizes women’s sexuality and sexual choices while absolving men of all responsibility and judgment.
We have all heard about crazy ex-girlfriend stories. But why not crazy boyfriend stories? Because 82 % of the females do not survive due to femicide committed by their current or former partners.

“ Don’t cut your hair because men like it longer.”

No. We do it for ourselves. We will look however we want to with or without makeup. We dress to feel good.

“Why are you moody? Is it that time of the month again?”

Everyone knows about menstruation, we do not need to hide our tampons and sanitary pads in a newspaper while buying it. Even if someone lacks proper information on this topic, it is better to educate others than to hide.

“You’re a woman, you belong in the kitchen”

No. Whenever someone is hungry, they belong in the kitchen. It is much easier to learn to cook themselves rather than be dependent on somebody else.

“Well, what were you wearing?”

A 1-year-old was wearing a diaper. She was a baby. A woman was wearing a burkha, a girl was wearing her school uniform and HE was wearing formal pants. Whether a person is wearing long or short clothes or even fully naked, it isn’t an invitation for assault. A no means no or it is rape/assault.

There are hundreds of worthless sexists comments made and there is a logical response to every single one of them. Women aren’t shiny wristwatches or a purse left unattended. We are human beings and should be treated with respect as all human beings. The toxic masculinity has been prevalent for such a long time that a hint of a feminine trait is seen in a man, he is not considered “manly” any longer. Straight males consider themselves superior to dominate females and the LGBTQ community. We need gender equality to exercise protection and the rights of the considered minority genders.

Men and women are born with different physiology of body and whether anyone wants to change it or not, neither of that should be considered as weakness. We need gender equality to not repeat history itself. Change is necessary for a better and brighter future. There has to be an environment where no one is treated with bias in terms of gender identity or any other reason.

“Since men and women are equal then we can punch women without any consequences lol.”

70% of females get physically abused by their partners. Women are already getting beaten to death and we have to put an end to this.

We need gender equality rules so that girls don’t have to fear coming home alone late at night. So women get to decide what’s best for their body. So child marriage can be put an end to. So people can be happy with whatever gender identity they choose. So the 72% of female trafficking can be put a stop to. So the next generation of children will think certain things are normal that weren’t expected in our time.
We need gender equality because the rise of women does not mean the fall of men. Men are part of the solution. As action speaks louder than words, we need to join hands and march together to change things from within.

Of course the concept of inequality didn’t magically appear. It was practiced from generations, hence the people followed what was taught to them. But since we have developed in many aspects, we must educate ourselves and address the chauvinist and racist behavior. We have to start NOW for equal treatment and opportunities to all the genders.

