If only we could stay together

Bishnu Bhatta
The Zerone
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2017

The shiver ran through my spines as I had a sip of coffee thinking about her. One could deduce by looking at my face and my smoking dark lips that I’d been trying to dissolve the feeling of her along with the smoke. No doubt that all my efforts to forget her resulted nothing but vain.

It was the time, of autumn, when all the leaves were changing their colors as if they ameliorated for someone’s arrival. Meanwhile, the trees had a different mindset; they were preparing for the cold-harsh winter. Roads were partially filled with brown, red and yellow leaves while some were still battling up in the branches not to fall down. But the destiny of the leaves lied in parting from the trees - some near, some far. It’s 9 ‘O clock and I was getting late for my Biology classes. Promptly packing up the bags I carried everything needed and rushed towards my High school, Budhanilkantha School.

That day, it was a bit earlier than usual. As I was trundling towards my school, my vision shifted from a leaf detached from a tree and surprisingly landed on a girl who wore the same dress as mine. She was a skinny girl of about 5’ 3”. Smirking she pulled the leaf into her hand. All I realized was that the time had stopped, my heart was pounding at the speed of light and nothing else mattered. She was as ravishing as an angel descended from the heavens. Hours passed into days , days passed into weeks and I eventually managed to gather courage to speak to her. Weeks passed into months and months into year and as promising as it seemed, our friendship bloomed like a flower in the spring.
Ultimately, two years of my high school ended with beautiful memories- her memories.

It wasn’t the end of friendship; there was no chance it could be. Actually, it was the beginning. We used to meet up every other day. Hanging out in the coffee bars, reading and discussing about our favorite books and writers became our new favorite hobby. Have no money? No problem! Window shopping was there to satisfy our desires.

Everything was turning out to be fantastic. It was around two and half years of our friendship. It was about the night when I got her call. But as I was not used to receiving her calls late at night, it bothered me. That was when I knew something was different, it was like I could sense the change of air, the change of atmosphere, the change of everything. She told me that it’s important that we should meet up tomorrow. I urged her to state the matter asking if I could be of any help. She didn’t answer but told me to meet, as told, exactly at ten ‘O clock in the morning and hung up.
Within a second, my brain and heart started gossiping; it was as if the neighbors could hear. It was unbearable. My brain wondered what might be the important thing that she wanted to tell me. I was constantly thinking, pondering around unreal scenarios. It was like if and only if my brain would have been used in unifying all the theories into a single one- it could have done with no problem whatsoever. My poor brain, all it did was think about her only. Next morning, with only a couple of hours of sleep, I aimed for the place with the nicest clothes I’ve got. As I reached near her, my heart started throbbing so loud, I wondered if people around could hear how I felt. She was in a beautiful red dress just as I’ve wanted to see her in. It was as if all the aroma and color of the rose was used for her perfume and her dress. I approached her with my pacing heart. But then she started to fade, like an angel slowly descending to heaven amidst the clouds. Anxiety conquered me. And suddenly I woke up in fear without a sense of what was happening. Within some few seconds I realized that my brother was the one who slapped me on my face for not waking up sooner which I should have done. Promptly I remembered that I had my ‘Engineering Mathematics’ exam and I was getting pretty late.

The walking distance to campus was around half an hour from my home. In the midst of the way to my exam hall, all I could think was “If only we could stay together: me and my dreams”.

Most of the engineering students’ life goes on as exams, assignments, Cigarette, and most essentially A cup of tea (it would be injustice to say ‘a’). At least dreams are the hopes that helps engineering students to sustain exams and things which they can’t achieve.
No matter if it is the end of exams or other engineering fest, if things turn out to be bad or not as the way we want at all, be it the frustration over remembering capacity or some life time crush, some dreams, some “If only we could stay together” can be the solace.

Image credits: google search engine

