Sushant M.S. Pradhan
The Zerone
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2019


“Impact of Music on Human Psyche”

~Sushant M.S. Pradhan


“Musicians are no-one but simply a part of God’s orchestra, spreading God’s gospel in the form of love and music.”

And so…….

So she spoke…….

She spoke with the enchanting voice that she has; with the lilt and tone of her voice so soft and yet so strong like iron within a silk glove; her accent so recognizable and yet simultaneously unique to any one else; a case of near and yet so far. Her voice was sounding incomprehensible words but incomprehensible they were not. It was simply that I did not listen or rather, I could not. I was entranced by the way her lips moved; the way her cherry red lips quivered as she let out a small puff of breath during her speech. She has enslaved me.

She is my symbolic representation of music. Her voice and speech; the melody which has hypnotized me so deeply that I have lost all track of time. The effect is that of a person on a high from drugs; the world goes on around me yet I am in a world of my own construction; lost in my own voyage in the sea of music with my music player as the vessel and my earphones as the conduit.

On a larger scale though, music is the language of all languages; the mother of all highs; the voice of every religion; the power behind every passionate speech.

For if you listen closely my friend, you will not need to understand the words to be inspired and influenced by a song sung in another language; it will take you to a high unreachable by any drug; in religion, the hymns will bring the feeling of peace with the sound of love; and in every passionate speech before any war, delivered with zeal and fervor, you will hear the sounds of drums being hit in a constant throbbing motion which will bring out an inner demon from so deep within you such that you did not know it even existed.

As the boy shows in the movie, “August Rush”, music is everywhere if we allow it to be. If you say it is absent white meditating, I say music is the deep silence that helps you to focus and reach even greater heights; it the sound you make while tapping your feet; the noise a vehicle makes when it starts; the sound of the gentle breezes that brushes up against the windows and causes the chimes to chime.

My dear reader, music is everywhere. It is the finity within the word infinity, the endless joy, the gift that gives on giving. It is the one constant in the face of time which is forever changing. Talking about music is a journey that never ends. In the content of humans, it is the sight that the blind see; the sound that the deaf hear and the voice that the dumb speak.

You better simply lose yourself in the music, the moment because you own it and you never let it go. You only get one shot, do not let this chance to blow because this opportunity comes, once in a lifetime.

A century ago, slavery used to exist in the form of humans enslaving humans, brothers enslaving brothers. Now, slavery goes on but this time, music is enslaving us in a good way. Does it not gently influence us? Does it not set our mood for the today? Does it not gently mold us, our attitude, our essence? Music helps us to dream and to dream big; for only if you aim for the stars, will you land on the moon.

And so, I urge, I urge you all; dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams came true and don’t just be another brick in the wall.

I said, “Light my fire” to music and I hope it happens the same in your life as well and Hallowed be thy Name. For whom the bell tolls, no one knows. If what we are thinking, is our own thoughts or not, or is someone else the Master of Puppets we shall not know either. Also, neither do we know whether the path we take leads to Paradise City through Stairway to Heaven or past the Cemetery Gates through Highway to Hell where the Cowboys from Hell ride. I know it’s Sad but True that People are Strange. We may want to drink the Whiskey in the Jar and we may even have to Walk in the November Rain. Everyone may not have the Fear of the Dark and not everyone may be Afraid to Shoot Strangers but Someday we’ll all be Knocking on Heaven’s Door. We may have to walk a lonely road on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams waiting to Wake up when September Ends but my friends, do not be afraid because Someday it’ll be Saturday Night.

Lastly, Don’t Cry because we’ll all be Back in Black someday, at Hotel California because I simply don’t want to miss a thing.


Sticks and stones may break our bones but the music will go on.

