
Pujan Thapa
The Zerone
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2017
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Am I insane??
Or, am I sane?

What is being insane? Is it knowing what we are doing is idiotic but we still keep on doing? Or as quoted by Albert Einstein “Is it just doing the same thing again and again and expecting different result?”

You want to know what I think? I think insanity is just another word for imagination. Insanity is fun. It’s wild, it’s chaotic but its fun.

And what about sanity?

Well to put it simply, sanity is the ability to define real from unreal, being sensible, being reasonable.

But is this society real? Is the society sane? Are the people living in the society sane? Are they reasonable? Is this world sane?

John Lennon said :

“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives.”

If that’s so don’t you think the definition of sanity given by those insane people in the society needs to be changed?
So what is sanity?
If you ask me being sane is being insane. In this insane society, we just think being insane is being normal so we think we are sane.

Does that make sense to you??

It is the insanity that keeps us sane. Being insane is the only sane action to this insane society. And so I ask myself :

Am I insane? Or, am I sane?

And I know the answer.
I am insane. May be. I think so. Don’t you? Tell me.
I sure as hell think I am not sane.

I’ll say as Marie Presley quoted :

“I‘ll say it loud and say it proud. I am completely insane.”

People also call me insane. They say I am completely insane and ask whether I suffer from my insanity. And I am like “Nahh…I enjoy it.”.
As I told earlier, insanity is fun.
Why not enjoy the fun while it lasts, eh??

Life is insane. We are all a little insane and its alright.

Don’t you think you are insane?

Zerone is an undergrad publication at I.O.E, Pulchowk focusing on People (their creative side, their thoughts, their lives) and Technology (the new, the old, everything).

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