“Leaders lead by example”

Sushant M.S. Pradhan
The Zerone
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2019

Oh! The Irony

~Sushant M.S. Pradhan


There is a very famous saying that “Leaders lead by example”. There have been marvelous leaders in history such as Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, etc. who have led from the front and modeled the country after them.

Every country in the world, throughout history, have managed such exceptional leaders who have led from the front, who have been the shining beacon of light for their fellow people around them. South Africa had Mandela; England had Churchill, Thatcher; America had Washington, Martin Luther King Jr.; India had Gandhi, Nehru; but my point is that all Countries have produced only a few such leaders. After all, one would assume that such leaders are one-of-a- kind and are born only once-in-a -blue- moon right?

Well, sorry to burst your bubble my dear reader but there is one country which is proving on exception to this rule:-

Our dear country Nepal of course!

We have managed to produce exceptional leaders with out-of-the-would vision for our beautiful country at a pace which rivals the pace at which a unicellular organism divides! Of course, our leaders can never hope to put Nepal through any good deeds so they seem to have decided to do it through ‘ visionary’ statements indeed.

Such exceptional politicians such as *Jher Shahadur Leuba, * Thadav Lumar Kepal, *J.P.T.E. Coli; *Brochanda, etc. have made “visionary” statements which undoubtedly give hopes for the future of our country to the sheep minded citizens, ie. us.

*(Note:- Names have been changed to protect privacy.)

Many former leaders have had great visions. As said before, great leaders lead by example and try to model a country after their principals; which is exactly why our leaders are so determined to turn Nepal into their principles:- i.e. a joke.

A recurring vision (I do not know if it is like or hereditary disease, in this case, passing from one leader to another) is that of need; we are already like Switzerland;

• We are both landlocked.

• Our soldiers guard a foreign head of state ( the British Queen through British Garbles); theirs guard the Pope.

• Neither was colonized.

• We both love banks (Although our leaders love the Swiss ones more; wink, wink.)

• They export expensive sweets; we export pustakaris and laddus.

We always have had such exceptional leaders but an current one, J.P.T. E. coli seems to have crossed even their lines as hard as it is to believe. However, our current leader seems to be a bit greedy; the job as our country’s leader does not seem to be enough, he seems to be currently eyeing the job of a comedian as well.

Of course, his opinions deserve plaudits! The man is hilarious! Comrade .J.P.T Coli is trying his best to cheer up the notion in this dark end dreadful time that we are passing through with his natural wit and humor.

Some of his ideas are so groundbreaking that even our most illustrious past leaders’ vision do not come close.

For instance, our P.M. was not fooling around when he said he wants to generate wind power to electrify every house in the country.

Every person is capable of unleashing wind! (My apologies for the bad pun.) Of course, his latest vision has certainly made him a celebrity.

Which you ask?

The one in which he is spending sleepless nights devising ways to pipe natural gas to every home so that families never have to wait in line for weeks and that too only for a holy full one!

It is obvious that this vision will take years, if not decades to complete (or rather, in Nepal’s case, to begin) which only goes on to show what a selfless man he is; not wanting to take any credit.

Being a visionary, our P.M. also loves nature and everything in nature if his love for visits is anything to go by. “A life lived without seeing a shine is not a life worth living”, says he.

No wonder our country is developing at such a remarkable pace.

His famous statement of removing load-shedding through natural production within the year is not be forgotten either. The childhood memory and the present of reading and writing that Nepal as the second largest hydro electrics potential in the world and having to do it with the help of light of a candle is truly enlightening and so, the light suddenly has gone…….

…… and I’m off to do my H.W.; in the light of a candle.

Oh! The Irony!

