‘Humanitarian Halt’ in Syria

Amrit Panthi
The Zerone
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2018

I was 15 when I heard about the civil war in Syria. Back then, I didn’t understand the whole scenario about those things yet I could hear the murmuring of my family members. They certainly were praying for those departing souls and to all those inflicted bodies waiting to be perished by the radical explosion.“Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second-hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does.”. Hearts tend to find the actual meaning in these words when their souls are deprived of an aspiration and their body with bruises.

Time passed as did the news regarding the bombings by their president Bashar al-Assad and the rebels who call themselves as Islamic State(IS) until now when all my news feeds are filled with the children of Syria trying to convey their message in their grievous voice to the world through their basement. Their land has merely become a locale to exhibit the power of two great nations. Regardless of the fact that more than hundreds die of bombings and famines every day, the war won’t stop until one of the side concede their defeat. How can I have a comfortable sleep in my pillow top mattress when people of Syria are hoping for another day to live in rock hard floor and with no food to ingest. Is this the beginning of the war that Nostradamus spoke of? I hope not.

Early today, my mother asked me if I was ok. I knew exactly where she was going with those words. She referred to the current Syrian warfare and Americas intervention in the Syrian Civil War or she was just concerned about my health. Regardless of the above reasons, I was obliged to say that I was fine. But, was I? If anger fell like dominos then tomorrow shall be a day which will be referred to as the day when world war 3 began and shattered a big portion of humanity. Hoping that Syrian civil war won’t become a cause to the butterfly effect, we live another day to pray for the Syrians.

I wonder what citizens from Syria are doing right now or what shall they be eating tonight. These wars have a social impact on the country but more importantly spiritual impact is what matters the most. Grudge or hatred or retribution within the people can become the cause to future warfare. These wars are the memories to today’s generation and therefore will become the building blocks to their memories and future endeavors. In support to their primal injustice, I hope the war ends soon and save this planet from another human massacre.

