Let her fly high…

Samikshya Chapagain
The Zerone
Published in
6 min readJan 24, 2020

My phone alarm beeps at 5:30 in the morning. After 3 rounds of snoozing the alarm and gathering enough courage to get myself up from the bed as I look around, I see my brother sleeping with a smile on his face.
A feeling of contentment arouse within me and looking around I see my mother doing household chores at that early time of the day.

When I was a 7 year old kid and my mother used to dress me up for school at 8 in the morning I always had a thought in my mind. When my mother is in a hurry to do every little chores then I always used to see my father waking up getting ready for office having his breakfast and then leaving for his work.

Then spontaneously I called towards my mother and said ,”Momma listen from tomorrow wake father up along with you and you two do the work okay . It will be easy for you “.
My mother smiled at my words but didn’t say anything.
The next day nothing as I had said to my mother happened. The day was same as it was yesterday and my mother was busy doing her chores and hurrying for her work. I drove with my father to my school with a lots of questions ,confusions and thoughts which i was sure would not get a valid and satisfactory answer.

Today after 10 years also , things are the way they were. And I believe it is not going to change any sooner.

I have a brother who is exactly five years younger than me and the way my parents treated me there were no differences in my and my brothers upbringing. But in my expanded family and the society we live in — these two had it all. All strange annoying and thought provoking actions and words to the the way a girl child and a boy child is treated.

Studying in a all girls school for 12 years , my mind and heart is shaped for women empowerment standing and raising voices against any forms of discrimination.
In those 12 years ,when I was within the buildings of my school I felt empowered and had an inner zeal that I can stand equally with no matter who comes in my way. But as soon as I used to step out of the gate of the school right in front there I used to see a young girl of around 19 carrying a baby with her and doing labor work for her living. That sight which I got to see everyday questioned my learnings as to why are all not treated the way they are actually supposed to be treated.

With a lots of dilemma and thoughts , one fine day I approached that girl and asked her about her past life. Tears rolled her eyes as she spoke. “ I didn’t want a life like this. I wanted something different .Something I could be proud of and be able to tell the stories of my victory and empowerment to my girl. But I see my reflection in my child which I absolutely don’t want. But I feel helpless.” These words from her still strikes me.
Not only she but i felt weak and helpless at that moment…
Thoughts that could never be able to sooth my mental trauma I was in and the feeling of weakness and helplessness that could never get off my heart.
I question myself when I am in situations like these. “Should I consider myself lucky enough to have equal opportunities in everything I do and that I am leading a life full of freedom taking my own decisions and being able to make my own choices ? “ or “ Should I feel unhappy because somewhere even at this point of time a girl just like me is battling with her own self, her own family and her own society to be treated equally in all respects but that battle still remains unconsidered , that voice still remains unheard?” Often it is the will of speaking out ,the will of fighting for what is being wrong that makes you feel that you too can take a step for making things right as it is supposed to be. But when these thoughts turned into slightest of actions does not yield the result as you expected it to be at first few shots it shatters you and you start doubting where actually you lacked. And this very often happens to me.

Maybe its the outer world which has many minute things hidden within it that affects the mental and emotional condition.The empowerment rallies, the motivational and inspirational talks and many other forms all having the same motive of ending gender discrimination and building a society having equal respect and opportunities in all aspects. But isn’t this strange that women are fighting so hard to get something which they actually need to have received and felt without any efforts and trials.

A society will be free from gender discrimination only when a girl can walk freely in the street even at the late hour of night without any sorts of fear in the heart and dilemma in her mind. A girl should be able to feel empowered on her own and not only when she has a man along with her in walks of life. A girl should not be made to feel how she is weak physically but should be reminded that she is way to strong mentally and emotionally.

I believe a world with gender equality in every aspect of life can be considered only the day
When all the abortion centers will stop detecting whether its a girl or a boy child before birth
When a family rejoices equally in the birth of a girl as it does when a boy is born
When a sister does not stay home waving goodbyes to her brother seeing him leave for school but joins him happily to the school
When a girl in her parental home doesn’t hear things regarding how she will have to finally leave one day
When a girl has the right to take her own life decisions and choices regarding her education and career
When a girl is not bounded by any religious restrictions and norms but can go where she wants to and do what she feels like
When a girl after marriage is not compelled to change her lifestyle fully for the sake of others
When a girl gets to do what she wants and continue what she was doing even after her marriage
When a girl is not expected to leave all her desires and aspirations so as to stay at home and take care of her child
When a single mother gets equal respect for the battle she alone is fighting against the society she lives in
When the society sees no difference in polygamy and polyandry and speaks about how both are equally wrong
When the mother gets equal support and respect for all the hardships she has been going through and a feeling of gratitude towards how well she manages everything in the family

We everyday hear many stories of gender discrimination but we actually have sights of it in every corner of our society. Women speak up for their rights ,they fight for what they by birth should have had the privilege to experience.But all these stories can only be solved when the voices women raise will be heard, the emotions they are trying to express will be understood and they are not mentally imposed with a fact that they are weak and inferior to men. Women should not be in the state of fighting with men for her rights but both should be walking together supporting each other and taking each other to the highs of life.It all starts from the family only then can she feel empowered stepping out in the society then ultimately in the world.

A girl should be allowed to fly up soar high with freedom,determination, motivation and choices and that she believes there is no one behind her to cut off her wings or pull her down in every steps she takes.

The world should first have EQUITY in all its treatments towards a woman and then comes the EQUALITY. Only then we will be living the reality of gender equality and proudly be able to exclaim I AM GENERATION EQUALITY!!!

