Life of a millennial


Richa Adhikari
The Zerone
3 min readFeb 1, 2017


Welcome to the world of unstoppable, self-imposed ‘ not enough’ ambivalent beings, living with a general motto “Follow your dreams”.

Welcome to the world of millennial.

Millennial are the generation(or old people say a bevy of morons) born between 1980–2000. Our growth being alongside with rapid development of technology makes us some sort of an alien to Baby boomers(born in the year following second world war) and Generation X( born in the late 1970s to early 1980s.)

The ‘Me Me Me Generation’ as said by the Times Magazine have been continuously taunted by other generations as the worst future. But why? Simply for having a self-centered perspective on life, career, work, politics, society and philosophy; And an extraordinary intimacy with virtual world (in their words).

Our emotional inconsistency have made us impatient, so we run a daily marathon of grabbing something new. We are never out of curiosity and never enough of discoveries. Maybe, the thirst for something more exciting has made attachments(relationship) to anything (or anybody) superficial and our life a complete mess, but its our relentless run that has abridged the magnitude for success or for achieving anything once thought difficult.

The ultimate problem solvers: millenials!

The generation which introduced ambiverts is adept at multitasking, are creative, problem solvers and….. extremely lazy. We are hardworking but crave a healthy work life balance. So, we keep on changing jobs until we think a suitable impact have been made in the work field. However, the need for flexible working environment doesn’t mean we cant struggle and thrive, we just allow our mind a little more comfort to bring out the best in us. I don’t think that’s wrong. And wanting to bring our own devices in the working area is completely appropriate. That directly increases the efficiency and pace of work. (I don’t understand why so many companies are against BYOD.)

Influence, for us, is a large measure than money. Okay, we are broke and have a very financially-unsecured future, but who cares! A coffee today is better than no coffee today. Don’t doubt us, we are much diverse and versatile than every prior generations. Do not belie our changing of fields and interest as not-passionate beings! We rather outstretch ourselves beyond mundane zone( sometimes a little too much, though.)

We may begin our day with Instagram and Snapchat rather than worshiping like earlier generation did, but does this necessarily make us atheist and cynical? The information revolution in our era have made us believe in research and experiments rather than superstitions and hypothesis. But we believe in magic and mysteries. We believe in nature and its inspiration and we believe in faith and hope. Isn’t that the whole idea of God?

Of course, there is a huge life and technology gap between millennial and baby boomers, we are different and difficult to figure out. But a blame cannot be simply put on us for being the worst future. We have grown up by befriending technology and gadgets since our early days, making them an integral part of our life. A different outlook on everything is obvious. Tolerance level shouldn’t be increased to deal with us but being more open minded should.

Don’t forget, we have been said special since birth and you(the generation who raised us) have taught us to live for ourselves, making us a narcissist human being! The technology part have just added “phantom pocket syndrome”, earphones for ignoring world, and Internet to counterattack teacher, if should, making us smart and precocious.

Call us entitled now but we are the next great generation. And who knows, in a few years when Generation Z starts showing up in different fields with different analogy than ours, we will scorn them for being the worst generation too. I mean, this is a never ending loop, until time and advancements are constrained.

Zerone is an undergrad publication at I.O.E, Pulchowk focusing on People (their creative side, their thoughts, their lives) and Technology (the new, the old, everything).

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