Udit Raj Kafle
The Zerone
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2020


My society regards my Mom as a secondary sex.

My society regards my Mom as a secondary sex. I don’t. I don’t because I know what she is capable of. I know what wonders she can pull off. I know how perfectly she runs the house and takes care of the family. I regard her as the joint head of my home, unlike the society which thinks it is only Dad.

Let me differentiate on how the society sees the females and how I see my opposite gender. The society uplifts Dad for bringing home hard earned money and claims Mom just spends it. But what I see is Dad bringing in money and Mom rationally spending it for the greater good. Think about how dads give money monthly for home expenses and how moms spend them carefully enough to make all home arrangements and even have a little spare that goes into savings. That savings might not even be just for her to spend and splurge. Want a new phone and dad didn’t give you enough? Ask your mom.

Society thinks a house runs on income. What if I tell you a house does run from income, but a house becomes a home on mom’s perks. The good food and the homely feeling in a home are all because of mom.

Dads are appreciated for all the masculine works in a house, like, fixing lights, plumbing and all other heavylifting. Ever realized how much moms do? Household works are one of the hardest jobs to ever pull off. It needs commitment, intense determination, strength, stamina and management and you never get a day off. And moms do this every day with such ease and finesse that they make it look easy.

I cannot stress enough about how the capabilities of moms are overlooked by the society. All the moms and as such females are embodiment of true power and strength around the world, and not merely a secondary sex. They are so much more than what they have been given credit for. Like being in charge of a house, they can be in charge of a nation and are perfectly capable of operating an entire nation.

Perception changes with time. While not even a few years back females were identified as just housewives, now, they are more. They are corporate managers, world leaders, inventors and so much more. Present day females are competent, and not at all should be undermined as “females”. They are as able as males, and maybe sometimes even better.

Every mom out there now embarks on a journey with pride of being as appreciated as every dad. I am well aware that my home is a home due to the joint efforts of mom and dad. On a bigger scale, a nation becomes a powerful nation with celebrated equality. No greater outcomes can be expected from forced equality. Equality can be esablished truly only if all the reservations for females in different sectors are dismissed and people begin to realize singularly that females arent the lesser sex that they assumed they were from the beginning of society and they dont need reservations. What they need is a society that understands they are equals and a society that uplifts them raher than just objectifying them or considering them the weaker and a more primitive sex. How can we achieve it? Just appreciate the capabilities of females.
Start from your home as I did.

