
Prasanna Acharya
The Zerone
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2017

How would a mathematician see world? Just Imagine there be some numbers, their certain arrangement that forms a sequence which gives birth to a code, a master code that is the answer to every question. Whether it is about the stock market, how a spider forms web, how many goals Manchester united is going to hit against its opponent, a response to a certain move in chess game or the cure for every disease of the world and what not. Can’t it be that, everyone out there in their own sub-world are consciously or unconsciously doing their job trying to perfect the scenario, getting to the point following certain tricks, skills which might have born out of what people call science and reason that they assume makes them feel superior of . A code, a master key to the entire phenomenon and all that has been achieved till date goes in vain being savagely discredited. Boom! Then there will be something else you will start worshiping. Einstein, Adam Smith, Plato, who cares if it is a petty code that has unfolded the very mystery of the universe. Who cares about theory of relativity, bible of capitalism and bible of self-proclaimed religious righteousness.

Now, see the problem is not yet solved. If that tiny sequence of number or whatever it is, was all that had to be revealed, how can you perceive getting accessed to it that easily?

It gets little tricky now. Did we solve the very problem or that we gave birth to yet another gigantic problem? Think, who do you think should have that code now? It is well understood that giving an access to the whole world is not a point. In that case there would be no power hierarchy and most certain chaos all over for what value would that code possess if it gets so trivial that everybody has it. Do you really think that master code which is a solution to every problem is the ultimate solution? .Oh yeah, it is a solution but what good is solution for if it can blow up our whole existence. Imagine with that code you could master your mind, what to think, what not to, when to and when not to. You have apparently solved the very problem within yourself. Nothing is involuntary now but what good is that for? Is it that we think all the discoveries have happened with the conscious game that mind plays? How can you so easily attest to that idea instead of even caring about something far beyond the conscious or unconscious state of being. All big discoveries like Big Bang, Archimedes Principal, Penicillin and even the largest empire of soft drinks; Coca-Cola were all accidental. Now all this gets us back to the question of the master code we were talking about. Would not there be fighting, killings, deceit, a monstrous hunger for that code that will lead to even more chaos in that verge of deciding who should have that code.

The point is; whatever is going on in world economy, science and technology, social sciences and inter-personal relationships is decent if not the perfect. Perfection is only the illusion of mind. God, Creator, Intelligent being or whatever you want to call it actually has set up a grand design to keep everything going in a way it should have been .It is we, Human who seem to have lived in a self constructed virtual reality trying to break a code and think that is a cure to every nature of chaos that exists in this world be it scientific, religious, cultural or interpersonal. Forget about breaking a code and get a life, a blissful one. Breaking a master code might settle everything but beware! If everything is solved what will you long for! If that code is the solution to every conflicts in the world, can you foresee that ideal world you are going to live in and what you are actually going to do with that perfection? What if everything around you is perfect but not you? Assume you know that truth, that very divine truth. Now, have this thought ever crossed your mind, “How much truth can your soul endure! Your intelligence and your consciousness endure. How much?”

(inspired from 1998 Psychothriller ‘Pi’ )


Zerone is an undergrad publication at I.O.E, Pulchowk focusing on People (their creative side, their thoughts, their lives) and Technology (the new, the old, everything).

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Prasanna Acharya
The Zerone

Writing to me is all about minutely and trickily detailing your experiences, thoughts or prospective.