Pulchowk Campus: A place for Scientific frontiers

Bishnu Bhatta
The Zerone
Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2018
Courtesy of NBC News

It has been 79 years since the establishment of Pulchowk Jet Propulsion laboratory (PJPL) and Pulchowk Particle research Centre (PPRC) inside the Pulchowk campus. Today, embarking the 80th Anniversary of PJPL and PPRC, a grand program has been planned to conduct. Along with that, new milestone in the space travel; time travelling space-ship has been scheduled to launch. This was possible due to the government initiatives and mostly by the diligent graduates of Pulchowk campus, class of 2016–2020 A.D.and several others.

It all started back then in the year of 2032 A.D. when the graduates from Pulchowk campus after attending prestigious Universities like Princeton, Harvard, Caltech, MIT, University of Oxford gathered together. Some even transferred the field of engineering and shifted to Physics field and performed research in CERN; Hadron Collider. Gathering twelve years of experience and the motivation, they accelerated and promoted the research in Particle Physics. Past Pulchowkians gathered up in an IOE graduate meet up in the year 2032 discussing upon the relevant agendas regarding the research laboratory. A team of 15 dedicated scientist with Kaushal Budhathoki was assigned as CEO of the Research lab. A proposal was presented to the government which had all the points how this research lab was going to meet all their objectives and make Nepal one of the powerful and the research oriented place in the whole world. Seeing upon the urgency of such Research program, the government soon accepted the proposal and began the work of building particle research Centre.

It is already 9 O’clock in the morning when all the people were gathered up in the Football stadium of Pulchowk Campus which at 10 O’clock was going to be turned into the spaceship launch field. It was ingenious act of the scientist and collaborators working together, the plan became successful. I reached at the Campus gate before 8 O’clock in the morning. As I’s new to Campus I didn’t know much about it. I’s scheduled to meet Professor Moriarty who was the professor of Particle physics at Pulchowk Campus. As I’s walking upon the roads of campus, I could see the lights and electric appliances on the campus premises powered by the pressure pad which were installed on the grounds and streets of campus. “Pressure pads on the ground senses the pressure originated due to objects moving upon them and generates the electricity”, I could see it written on the holographic screen which were projected above the ground. I saw same gadgets were installed on the public roads which seemed to be a breakthrough in renewable. As I approached the PPRC, I saw a man standing at the door of large building to which large radios sort of device were connected. I asked him what these large radios were about.

He replied, “These are the receivers which harnesses the energy from the interstellar fluctuation in the space time caused due to distant star collapse.”

I asked, “When did you managed to discover this technology?”

He replied, “ It was some three years ago we first successfully devised this technology. Didn’t you know that?” And he smiled looking towards me.

He was the man during his 50’s, he had this black eyes, grey hair, fair and glowing but a little wrinkled skin but was enough to make people fall in love when he’s in his 20’s.

Girls surely must have fallen in love with him.

Since I’s bit too early, so he leaded the way to the particle research laboratory where he showed me the new revolutionizing fuel which they’re going to use it as a source of energy for driving time-traveling spaceship today. Time flew in the blink of an eye while I’s going through these new technologies.

Two hours passed quickly and soon it began the time of the launch. Unlike those made by countries like USA, China, India, Russia, and several other developed countries I could see the new type of the rockets and different sort of mechanism related to rockets. To see all this stuffs in Pulchowk Campus, people uniting to do something great beyond themselves was undoubtedly a great change in socio-economic status and development.

5 minutes before the launch and I’m on the nearest view point as near as I could get along with the other scientists. I could see the excitement in many scientists, saying that this new venture would reveal the unexplored things about our universe and help in finding the unexplored places and event about our universe. The countdown time started now, “TEN NINE EIGHT……” the excitement on people as well as scientists grew even stronger “… THREE TWO ONE”. The rocket ascended up slowly and it picked up the speed quickly, there were no smokes and fumes as the fuel burned; this surely was breakthrough in the area of Fuel technology. After some 3 minutes, some sort of portal or distortion on the space was seen, the space ship traveled through it and disappeared like a ghost in the dark. There was a wave of excitement running through both people and scientists. Scientist were happy that the fuel as well as the time-portal worked.

This new venture on space travel would be a remarkable change on how the interstellar space travel would be done from now on. The spaceship launched is hoped to find the darkest places about our universe where light never reached to us or where we never thought of going to. The project seemed successful only because of the endeavor of the scientists and the government initiatives. Pulchowk Campus and Nepal overall which once lacked far behind in the science and technologies, now is leaping forward which is a great lesson for the whole world. There are many assumptions about what this launch will bring to us but one thing is sure that this event will surely will be new frontier in the Science.

