Souvenir of human greed

Sampada Sharma
The Zerone
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2020

Dear Universe

In the shadow of the sun

Long may she reign

everything’s not fine

only 12 steps to decimation

and I realize we are approaching the eve of apocalypse

Burnt forests and broken lands

Thousands of Nile suffocates, writhes in pain

as the mortal coil cinches tighter

and the fall of innocents stain our hands

And the aftermath? — Bright ruin and leak of madness

The astonishing color of after

After the apocalypse

The edge of everything

The last best story

We are the roots of ruin

Shrugging off humanity like a coat

Killing a kingdom to wear a crown of smoke

Light left us

when the blood of thousands of stars stained our hands

Result of a continuum of terrible choices

and the extinction trials will continue

as long as the silvered serpents

the monsters among us

with their lofty arrogance

stoke the embers of destruction into flames

for their own ends

until there is nothing left to burn

The art of saving the world

from unseen fire

is halfway blooming in people like us

as we forge halos from fragments

of the note F of Freedom

Thousands of voices singing in unison

We don’t stop thinking about tomorrow


As the night brings the song of the current

The whisper of the tide

Just breathe

In a land of permanent goodbyes

There is ocean in my ears

And as the deck of omens stack up

and the calculus of change

declares that the last days of us loom ahead

I juggle in the Life and Death parade

And learn to breathe underwater


Win or lose

Soon the ocean will be our sky

