Technology- Wishes Vs Needs

Aashish Adhikari
The Zerone
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2018
Source:Youth Voices


“I want a robot chef in my life while I just sleep and eat the whole day.” ”I wish there was a technology that would teleport us.”Different people, different wishes.

Here I am, 18 year old kid wondering sock matching technology would be the greatest achievement of mankind. It may sound like a 5 year old kid talking but that’s the way it is. If you have a problem, you want its solution.If you ask 7 billion people of the world “What is the hardest thing to do?”, about 4 billion people would answer “ finding a pair of matching sock when it is late” and the rest 3 billion people probably don’t wear socks. Jokes apart but I always had a hard time finding the socks. “Mom where is the second sock? I am getting late”, I screamed most of the days of my school. I had 99 problems and finding a pair of matching sock was also one.

What a mother would wish to have? A mother only cares about her world,her children. My mom probably would want a sensor detecting and sending her information if I have a wore a cap or not. She would want Google maps to tell her if I went to any restaurant for lunch. She would want my phone to send my location to her phone whenever I am late to reach home. That is inevitable, a mother’s love. Until such technology arrives, your phone will ring, you will receive the call:

“Its so cold today, is your cap on?

Did you have lunch?

Where are you? It’s already 7 PM. When will you return home?”

an angry voice with tons of love will be heard.


But do we really need such technologies?Are we using the technology the right way?

· Do we really need a photo filter that makes you look like a dog or a filter that can purify water where people are dying from diarrhea and cholera?

· Do we need NASA to build a rocket to search water on mars or a pipeline to supply water where people are craving for single drop?

We don’t need Elon Musk to build a rocket to transport people of London to Paris in few minutes. We need rockets to transport people living in remote area where they don’t have roads. We want drones to drop medicines and foods in remote places, not to shoot vlogs or spy on another country. Nobody cares if a child dies because of starvation but a star spotted light years away gives headache to people.

But that’s the way the world runs, technology is a business. I have a dream, that one day, technology will be used for service to mankind instead for making dollars so that guys like me can shut down the laptop and chill instead of telling the world how to use technology in proper way.

