Arman Chhetri
The Zerone
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2019

“Phew! Such a tiresome day, it was. I just want to be in my bed at snap of my finger now.” This might an obvious dream of every jobholder or hardworking fellow in this world after a whole day work. Someone might feel it inappropriate to travel a route to reach a destination while others might find it tedious to wait seconds to transfer a message. Similarly an excursionist may wish to travel whole world in a single day.

Moreover, after being through theater and watching some sci-fi movies, movie-fanatics, in general, would desire to pop up and crop up somewhere again at a blink. Such a magical phenomenon popularly found in many stories, movies, tales, animations and so on is in fact a fantastic fantasy which is populated in every individual’s mind now-a-days.

This phenomenal topic in modern world is at paramount investigation and research under the name ‘Teleportation’. According to the researchers at California Institute of Technology, Teleportation is the duplication or re-creation of physical objects or their properties using light beam. Sometimes it is also called Quantum Teleportation. This phenomenon can be achieved by quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated. Quantum entanglement can be used in field of quantum computing and many others unbelievable fields of science and engineering.

Oh! I made this interesting topic very ambiguous and boring with last paragraph. Terms like ‘light beam’, ‘Quantum’, Quantum Computing’, ‘Entanglement’ etc. really made the taste a bit bitter. Let’s clarify these all within our intuition. Etymologically ‘Teleportation’, made of “Tele+transportation”(tele means fast) means transporting objects or body at speed of light. “Speed of light??”, it’s real, scientists have found out a lot of so called impossible discoveries. It actually works by duplicating and recreating a body in one place from another place by use of atomic property. Fundamental building unit of everything is atom and its property is a root for such an amazing phenomenon. Quantum entanglement is a process in which quantum state of one body can be described and also altered with reference to another body located far from it. This means tiny properties at atomic level can be used to replicate another body of same entities at very long distance and destroy previous one simultaneously. So quantum entanglement has its hand on teleportation in that way. There appeared an another fancy term called quantum computing, and what’s that and how is related to teleportation. This question will be answered later and it’s interesting.

This is all for scientific explanations and definitions. Let’s read how it turned into non-fictional from strictly fictional theory. American physicist Charles Bennett and a team of IDM researchers confirmed that teleportation was possible in 1993. After they presented the report there came many experiments on photon and particles to experience teleportation. In 1998, researchers at California Institute of Technology teleported a photon by the distance of 3.28ft (nearly 1m). Though they had not teleported a living body in their experiment, their work was very impressive. Then in 2002, researchers at the Australian National University successfully carried out teleportation of a laser beam, and in 2006, a team at Denmark’s Niels Bohr Institute teleported information stored in a laser beam into a cloud of atoms about 1.6 feet (half a meter) away. In 2012, researchers at the University of Science and Technology of China stepped further in the subject. They teleported a photon 60.3 miles (97 kilometers), 50.3 miles (81 kilometers) farther than the previous record. Two years later, European physicists were able to teleport quantum information through an ordinary optical fiber used for telecommunications. The recent news on BBC reported that Chinese researchers have teleported a photon from the Gobi desert to satellite orbiting five hundred kilometers above earth and this is the farthest teleportation ever done.

All of these stuffs were for photon and beams, is it really possible for human to teleport. Answer may be ‘obviously yes’ for the far future. For now let’s predict some activities that can happen if we could really conquer the power of teleportation. Indirectly it leads to the invention of quantum computers. Modern computers are made of transistors and capacitors and work on the basis of binary digital electronics whereas quantum entanglement(term:appeared earlier) enables us to acquire superposition of the two binary states 0 and 1 called qubits. This enhances the power of computing to incredibly greater level. Some common activities worth noticing are short listed here:

  • Traveling would be a boredom of few seconds
  • Burglary would upgrade up to a new generation
  • Vacations would be extremely entertaining as we would be able to travel almost every place of many countries in single day
  • There would be no word called privacy
  • Information exchange would acquire incredible speed
  • Crimes may increase exponentially
  • Infinite number of inventions and discoveries

And many other left out of list.

If bio-digital teleportation was possible, that work would be the bit by bit transportation of living body. That is murder of older and creation of newer one at every teleportation. Everyone would be immortal then. Isn’t it against humanity, religions and world’s universal rule? It would tempt and haunt us. It leads to disharmony, tragedy and dehumanizing horror. We would be able to master life, death, matter, space and time. Would you prefer to attain such a godhood or let it be within and inside some mysterious secret?

