The Exam Poem

Pallavi Shakya
The Zerone
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2016


Open the books and turn a page

Then imagine how you’ll look when you age,

Come out of the trance and try to begin,

The mark you’ve left before is nowhere to be seen.

Breathe in and breathe out

Start again.

How DNA is transferred into the cell?

What enzymes it takes to replicate?

Go into the depths of weird subjects,

Where viruses are actually delivery boys

Manipulated by human in every ways

Cram all the phrases you’ll never use in life

“AAV has a very small genomic size.”

Get into the trance again and get emotional

Remember your lost pet and cry some more.

Call your friend up and panic together

Then talk about what you dreamed the day before

Put the phone down and hold your book

It’s time to get serious or your grades won’t look good!

Walk to and fro until your legs begin to hurt

And sit down and breathe. Count the remaining chapters you’ve got.

Tell yourself you are doing well even though you are NOT.

You don’t even remember how cryopreservation works!

Look into the mirror and talk to yourself,

Go on and on about how oncogene activates.

After you’ve finished feel proud of yourself,

Then pretend to revise, staring at the words that don’t make sense.

Repeat and repeat and repeat again

Till your dreams are made up of mycoplasma identification used in cell lines.

And that’s how you get through the exams you see!

Few days to go and then I will be free!!!

