Pradeep Budhathoki
The Zerone
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2018


The Pulchowk Sunshine

Walking along the corridor to your class, it is beyond the bound of possibility not to acknowledge the tranquil warmth of the Pulchowk sunshine.

‘Taking a bit of sun’ has become customary for us students; the sometimes-strong-sometimes-feeble rays jump off firm buildings and across trees to accord in us the vehemence of enthusiasm. Even though the summer sun tormented us for hours on end, in times like these we still want to embrace it with delightful acceptance.

We wish that the professors finish their classes as soon as possible so that we can go outside and be under the sun once again. The petrifying cold inside the room has inflated its importance. The time spent in the corridors and the courtyards of the campus leaves us with a feeling of relaxation and bliss for hours. While the calming breeze and sights of serene, teacher-less classrooms help lift spirits, the sunshine chemically shifts our mood. The Anti-depressant pills of Vitamin D soothe us and some of us even tend to doze off..

The steady winter sunshine transforms the place. Shifting from the ICT building to the Electronics and Computer Engineering department building was surely a despondent moment for most of us, but the warm winter sunshine makes up for all (well, most) inadequacies. It transforms people, makes them lazy but happy, blurs the edges of their individuality; it transforms buildings, revealing their secret graces and crudities. The most exquisite places in the campus area are where the sunshine dwells..

A variety of people discussing various topics sit under the sun. People completing their lab sheets, some worried about the viva questions and some discussing the Champions league matches, juniors timidly complaining of the irregularity of teachers are some moments shared under the sunshine. Staring at the beautiful faces and commenting on them is something that one doesn’t miss, either.

It engenders a readiness to let time slip by without filling every moment of it with pettifogging activities. It puts things in proportion by making us feel ourselves a part of Pulchowk Campus and part of universe as a whole. After all, there is nothing finer in life than enjoying every little moment. The Pulchowk sunshine glorifies the body and usefully curbs egotistical ambition. Sunshine, like truth, humbles us by fitting us into a scheme of things immeasurably greater than ourselves. It is an immense pleasure to enjoy the sunshine in this winter and talk as the leisure periods pass by.

This winter drift in the sunshine has been a harmless drug. Call its nature Ambien, with a side of circadian rhythm. So next time you’re around the Pulchowk arena, let the sunshine in; rushing to the class for lectures here is a secondary thing.



Pradeep Budhathoki
The Zerone

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