The Single Instance Where Man Triumphed Over AI: The Google DeepMind Challenge Match

Manjul Tamrakar
The Zerone
Published in
7 min readJan 7, 2023

In March 2016, the world watched as top Go player Lee Sedol faced off against AlphaGo, a computer Go program developed by Google DeepMind, in a highly publicized five-game match. Go is an ancient Chinese board game that is known for its complexity, and many experts believed that it would be many years before a computer could compete at the highest level.

But AlphaGo proved them wrong. The program won all but one of the games, stunning the Go world and demonstrating the incredible capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI).

So what was at stake for Lee Sedol in this match? And how did AlphaGo manage to triumph over one of the best Go players in the world? Let’s take a closer look at the mechanics of Go, the development of AlphaGo, and the impact of this historic match on the AI community.

The mechanics of Go

Go pieces over the 19X19 board

Go is a strategic board game played by two players on a grid of 19x19 lines. The goal of the game is to surround more territory than your opponent. Players take turns placing their stones (black or white) on the intersections of the grid, with the aim of surrounding and capturing their opponent’s stones and territory.

The game is known for its complexity and deep strategy, with an almost infinite number of possible moves and combinations. Players must consider factors such as board position, stone placement, and territory control in order to outmaneuver their opponent.

The development of AlphaGo

Google DeepMind Alpha Go
Google DeepMind Alpha Go

Go is considered one of the most complex board games in the world, with more possible moves than there are atoms in the observable universe. This makes it a particularly difficult game for computers to play, as they must be able to analyze and evaluate a vast number of possibilities in a short amount of time.

Google DeepMind set out to develop a Go-playing AI that could compete at the highest level, and after years of research and development, AlphaGo was born. The program was developed using a combination of machine learning algorithms, including deep neural networks and Monte Carlo tree search algorithms.

Demonstration of a deep neural network
Demonstration of a deep neural network

Deep neural networks are a type of machine learning algorithm that are inspired by the way the human brain works. They consist of multiple layers of interconnected “neurons” that can process and analyze data in complex ways. In AlphaGo, deep neural networks were used to analyze the board position and evaluate potential moves.

Demonstration of a Monte Carlo tree Search
Demonstration of a Monte Carlo tree Search

Monte Carlo tree search algorithms are a type of algorithm that are used to find the best possible move in a given situation. They work by simulating a large number of possible outcomes and choosing the one that is most likely to lead to a win. In AlphaGo, Monte Carlo tree search algorithms were used to analyze the probabilities of different moves and choose the best course of action.

The combination of these algorithms allowed AlphaGo to analyze and evaluate potential moves in a way that was previously thought to be beyond the capabilities of computers. It was this advanced AI that allowed AlphaGo to defeat Lee Sedol and become the first computer program to win a professional Go match.

The impact of AlphaGo on the Go community

Demis Hassabis, an AI researcher with Lee Sedol, world renowed Go player
Demis Hassabis, an AI researcher with Lee Sedol

The Google DeepMind Challenge Match was a major milestone in the history of Go, and it had a significant impact on the Go community. AlphaGo’s unconventional and creative playstyle challenged conventional wisdom and opened up new possibilities for the game.

Many Go players have studied AlphaGo’s matches and learned from its strategies, and the program’s influence can still be seen in the play of top players today. The success of AlphaGo has also sparked a renewed interest in Go and AI, and it has inspired other AI projects in the field.

The stakes for Lee Sedol

Lee Sedol, former South Korean professional Go player
Lee Sedol, a former South Korean professional Go player

Lee Sedol was considered one of the best Go players in the world at the time of the match, with 18 international titles to his name. He was a heavy favorite to win, and many experts predicted that he would sweep the series against AlphaGo.

But as the match began, it quickly became clear that AlphaGo was a formidable opponent. The program won the first three games, leading many to believe that it was unbeatable.

But Lee Sedol refused to give up. He knew that if he could win just one game, it would be a major upset and a major victory for humanity. And in the fourth game, Lee Sedol pulled off the impossible. He managed to outmaneuver AlphaGo and win the game, becoming the first human player to defeat the program.

Move 78, Game 4 of Lee Sedol against AlphaGo
Move 78, Game 4 of Lee Sedol against AlphaGo

The key to Lee Sedol’s victory was a creative and unconventional move known as “move 78.” In this move, Lee Sedol placed his stone in a seemingly strange and unexpected location, surprising AlphaGo and throwing off its calculations. This move was later hailed as a “miracle” and a testament to the creative power of human intuition.

Despite this victory, AlphaGo ultimately won the series 4–1. But for Lee Sedol, the fourth game will always be remembered as the single instance where man triumphed over AI.

The importance of the Google DeepMind Challenge Match

Demis Hassabis explaining AlphaGo in a press release
Demis Hassabis explaining AlphaGo in a press release

The Google DeepMind Challenge Match was a major milestone in the history of AI. It was the first time that a computer program had been able to defeat a human player at the highest level in a game as complex as Go.

This achievement was important for several reasons. First, it demonstrated the incredible capabilities of AI and machine learning. AlphaGo was able to analyze and evaluate a vast number of potential moves, learning and improving over time through self-play and analysis of past matches. This level of performance was previously thought to be beyond the reach of computers, and it showed the potential of AI to revolutionize a wide range of industries and fields.

Second, the Google DeepMind Challenge Match was seen as a major step towards the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI). AGI is a type of AI that is able to perform a wide range of tasks and adapt to new situations, much like a human being. Many experts believe that achieving AGI is the ultimate goal of AI research, and the success of AlphaGo was seen as an important step towards this goal.

The impact of AlphaGo on the AI community

Stock Image of a man playing against a robot in chess

The Google DeepMind Challenge Match was a major milestone in the history of AI, and it had a significant impact on the AI community. The success of AlphaGo demonstrated the incredible potential of machine learning and AI, and it sparked a renewed interest in the field.

Many experts believe that the algorithms and techniques used by AlphaGo will have a wide range of applications beyond Go, and that they will be used to solve a variety of complex problems in fields such as healthcare, finance, and transportation.

The Google DeepMind Challenge Match also has similarities to another historic event in the world of AI: the 1997 match between DeepBlue, a chess-playing computer developed by IBM, and world champion Garry Kasparov. In that match, DeepBlue made history by becoming the first computer program to defeat a world chess champion. Like the Google DeepMind Challenge Match, the DeepBlue-Kasparov match demonstrated the incredible capabilities of AI and sparked a renewed interest in the field.


The Google DeepMind Challenge Match was a historic event that captured the attention of the world. While AlphaGo ultimately won the series, the fourth game and Lee Sedol’s victory will always be remembered as a moment where man triumphed over AI.

The match not only demonstrated the incredible capabilities of artificial intelligence, but it also showed the importance of human intuition and creativity in the face of increasingly powerful technology and the potential of machine learning algorithms to solve complex problems and revolutionize industries.

The Google DeepMind Challenge Match serves as a reminder of the potential of AI to improve and enhance our lives, and it will always be remembered as a major milestone in the history of technology.


This is my submission to The Zerone x Programiz Technical Writing Competition 2023. I wanted to write about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, that’s when I stumbled upon this documentary about AlphaGo so I had to write about the only time (To my Knowledge) when Man won against AI. Thanks for reading my submission and hope you’ll check this documentary out as well. Peace Out!!✌



Manjul Tamrakar
The Zerone
Writer for

I am interested in learning more about Computer Science and Information Technology.