Subina Shrestha
The Zerone
Published in
1 min readJan 9, 2018

The sky is blue.
Beautiful, some call it,
like sapphire studded to the heavens.
But beyond the cape,
the enigmatic pleasant veil,
lies a mystical canvas,
painted with shimmering constellations and blazing supernovas,
that petrify any faint heart.

But we are only humans.
Stuck in a vortex of space-time.
Planning its conquest,
when we can’t conquer our mere minds.
our mere existence.

But in the end,
it doesn’t matter.
The universe never ceases to exist
merely for the opacity of
guests at the mercy of time.
It blazes and expands
defying all worldly laws,
embracing its desires,
embarking a destiny
of its own choice
tucked away
in depths of aloof.

And we?
all we can do is
gaze at it.

