To My Friend

Dipkamal Bhusal
The Zerone
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2016

Vigil are my sleeps

Heedless my actions

Since the day you said goodbye

I’ve been a stranger to myself

My love for you lets you go

But my endeavor doesn’t rest

My friend,

When will my endeavor indulge?

My friend,

I’m standing here

On the shore of this vast restless ocean

With my patience breathing in

A deluge can’t wet it

Neither can a storm blow it away

The drought can’t dry it

Neither can the never ending waiting

But my friend,

This seashore is just like a dungeon

All so dark, silent and lonely

Don’t worry, I am not in perils

But my friend,

I am not safe either

When will you kindle the lamp and take me away?

My body will wear down

Immortal it can’t be

Don’t let the shroud of your absence cover it

My friend,

I see a vast ocean

A clear blue sky

But I do not see you

I see me

Only me

Standing on the seashore alone

My friend,

Where’s your boat?

I have been waiting too long

When will you sail me away?

