We will stand up for a CHANGE

midnight musings
The Zerone
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2020

“Mom, I want that pink t-shirt” I heard a small boy say this to his mother and could see an instant look of disgust in his mother’s face and finally she replied, “Pink is for girls, choose something else.” In the end, his mother bought him a blue t-shirt which was according to her a ‘manly’ color. That was just a small incident which clearly shows the standard of the society we are living in. Since a very small age, we are forced to live and lead different lives. Girls are taught to be polite and not to speak a lot while boys have no such rules. Girls are given with the dolls while the boys are given with toy cars, bikes. These small things have a serious effect on their thinking later in the future. They feel that they are confined and limited to a certain area.

Its already 2020 the most awaited year as well as the end of the decade. We have achieved things that seemed unachievable even just a decade before. We have reached the greatest height of the inventions and innovations. Our life has changed a lot but our thoughts have not undergone a significant change. Maybe we have achieved a lot in these few years but still, some things go unseen even when they are right in front of you. Some voices go unheard even when they strike directly into the ears. That is exactly what is happening in our society.

Females have always been limited to the household chores and even when they want to lead or work in the decision-making area. They are simply demotivated. Instead of inspiring them to fly high up in the sky, their wings are cut off- never letting them fly. Time never stops and so do we. We will never give up. It’s high time that we raise our voices against the cruel act of the people. Until the sun rises in the sky and until the moon sets with the hope to see a new day till then we will speak up for ourselves.

Female are not discriminated just in minor things like this but in the case of choosing our careers as well. We can see very less participation of women in the STEM. Though the numbers have started increasing in recent years it’s mostly dominated by the male member of our society. It’s not because they are not capable enough but because of the fact that they are not encouraged to take up the courses which requires high-level understanding and knowledge. We need to make sure that no one should be forced to give up on their dream just because of their gender. We should keep in mind that gender is not what defines us, it is our hard work, passion, perseverance and dedication towards something that helps us achieve what we want.

All we want in the world is equality. Let us make this world a place where you are not recognized because of your gender but because of the impact, you could create in the world, things you could change. The day when our every girl, every woman can pursue what they have dreamt of is the day when finally we can claim that we have reached the height where we are supposed to. All of us can play a significant role in breaking the age-old traditions because it’s already the time to change our thinking and ourselves.

Since the dawn of civilization, women have been treated inferior to the man. But even under these harsh circumstances, they had been able to achieve a lot but are not recognized worldwide due to less promotion and coverage of their work. For instance, many of us do not know that Hedy Lamarr, was the inventor of a form of frequency hopping that was a forerunner of Bluetooth, Wifi and GPS all of which sits on our phone today. There are thousands of women and girls who worked in the shadows of their male colleagues or husband but later it was those men who got recognized while the whole effort belonged to them.

These sorts of things had happened frequently in the past and now till this very date also there are cases where there contributions and services are not recognized just because of their gender. The numbers clearly reflect it: Women have won 48 Nobel prizes compared to 844 for men. In the field of Science, they have won only 19. According to many sources, it is also believed that women were even forbidden from entering the research labs in the past but now things have started to change. But now only the god knows how many great minds were overlooked because of their gender.

We, the youths should break the stigma and prove all of the people that we are who we are and we can do everything. We do not want to lead the life lead by our forefathers nor need even our parents because things have changed a lot since then. We want to live in a world which is free of discrimination, the world which appreciates you despite your gender. The world which treats everybody equal.

Let’s hope for the day when the small boy can proudly wear his favorite pink t-shirt. The day is not far when we will see the bolder version of every girl and every woman who will believe in themselves and prove to the world that she can do anything. And every girl can turn her dream into a reality. The day is not far away when the small girls have female idols to look up to.

It’s solely our responsibility to make this happen. Now or never, Today is the best day to start. Let’s take a pledge for a brighter future where no one is discriminated based on their gender and generation.

Now, it’s not the matter of ‘we should’ but it’s the matter of ‘we must and we will’.

Sources : www.cnet.com

