Life= Process = Enjoyment
(Source: Unsplash)

Write an Algorithm to Live Life

Rohit Khadka
The Zerone
Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2023


Step 1: Start


Step 3: Superpose happiness and sadness

Step 4: Stop

When talking about Algorithm, my lecturer said, it is a set of instructions given to solve a problem. Technically, when we have to assign instructions to perform a certain task to a computer, we outperform every other possible entity in the universe, but when the discussion comes about instructing ourselves to live a life, we lag behind the animals: monkeys.

Here is a short overview of an algorithm to live a life from someone who, in his last 630720000 seconds (20 years) on the earth, committed 630720000 mistakes and rectified 630719999 of them into facts, truths, understandings, and corrects and is in the way of rectification of the last one.

Step 1: Start

Start by calming yourself. Start by going somewhere where materialism is not found. Start by seeing a place where you find a 5-year-old toddler version of yours. While seeing: If you see shoes tagged 30000, and you see yourself wearing shoes of 3000; relax, and calm your shoes and socks fit and look nicer on you more than on anyone else. If you see your friend scoring 99/100, and you score 59/100; relax, and chill your marks may not know the hidden visioner, thinker, or wanderer inside you.

If your girlfriend/boyfriend ditched you; relax, chill they went because they had to go to a place called nowhere, and, of course, another person will come, and if another person also does not come up. Then you are most amazing when you complete yourself with/by yourself, aren’t you?

So, let “chill’ be the motto of life. If you ever start seeing negativity, just reverse the word “Start” and transform it into “STOP”; then think about the invisible O2 particle in front of you. Start not seeing something that displeases you, invokes materialism, and is not relevant to your current stage of your life.

Step 2: Understand: 1+1=2+1=3+1=4+1=….>

You must be thinking that the mathematical foundation of the author must be weak so that he has written 2=3. Oh! Please, my mathematical foundation is good enough to say that 2 is not equal to 3. I have attributed the series as “Life Series” and included it in the manuscript because I found something intriguing and underlying in this equation or series.

Elaborating more on the context, let’s talk about someone who hails from a field evoked firmly from mathematics: Elon Musk who is a multi-billionaire and a successful entrepreneur and engineer. The current stage (successful ventures, respect, power) of his life is very significant to him and all of us around the world as his companies Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink are on the chartbusters list. Let alone his present and hurdles, when he was in the fledgling stage of his life, he must have faced a tough time when he had to decide whether to continue his Ph.D. in Physics at Stanford or pursue entrepreneurship and start Zip2. Also, he must have had a very tough time when he had to face two initiatives and consecutive SpaceX launch failures along with fund scarcity. Though the latter mentioned two stages may not be significant to us, as they toil up in the failure list, but are, significant, to Elon Musk. During those stages, he might have added uncountable spatial learnings and experiences to the basket of his mind which helped him foster a lot in his ventures. Elon Musk might have not been “The Elon Musk”; had he continued his PhD and left SpaceX after those initiative failures.

In the same way, every stage of life is important to us, but may not be for the person sitting next to us and claiming himself/herself as our friend.

Numerically or materialistically, we may be happier or fulfilled at any of the stages of our life but the significance of each stage holds the same just as 2 =3 in the series. No matter how much struggle we do at the moment and how much struggle we do after 10 years; every step is important. If you are a student and, suppose, after 10 years you landed in a very reputed company with a handsome and beautiful combined salary. People will infer he/she is so lucky that he got this job, but you only how much hard work you did not do to land a superior position. So, don’t be in paradise fool if I emphasize more on the current stage of my life, I will get to spend the next stage of my life in a more relaxed manner. Count every stage and step of your life as the most significant one, as a matter, your life will be a mere collection of significant actions, events, and memories.

Step 3: Superpose happiness and sadness

In Physics, when the superposition of two waves happens: either a wave of larger amplitude is produced or a wave of zero amplitude is produced.

What if we superpose happiness and sadness, but as a result produce something called calmness and ignore all the other possible outcomes? How about not being happy and sad but being relaxed? How about not forcing ourselves into stretching our lips to show we are happy and not forcing ourselves into having watery eyes to show we are sad?

How about letting our calmness trigger a default smile on our faces?


In this Kaliyuga, to attain calmness, REPEAT Step 1 by mystifying that neither you are happy nor you are sad. You are feeling none of them. You are just inclined towards one of the emotions.

Step 4: Stop


Stop yourself from doing all the stuff and fulfill all the desires that your sense organs evoke. In the upper region of your head, there is an organ called the brain. Convert your brain into mind. Activate almost all the possible neurons and do not stop your powerful mind while filtering out desires and keeping the limited and needed versions only.

Stop whenever you start indulging yourself in the realm of negativity. Let your mind trigger a strong signal of “STOP” whenever you initiate something misdoing.


Finally, make your mind so strong that your hormones will never be potent enough to stop you from achieving heights.

