Energy Shifts: AI-created N2116 and Pluto Re-entering into Aquarius

zerone project
Published in
5 min readFeb 7, 2024


Step aside, Pluto, a new material called N2116 has emerged from the Microsoft Azure Quantum Elements team and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that is a promising alternative to lithium as an energy source.

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What’s been happening?

We are only at the start of February and this year has begun with a bang, in some good ways, and others, not so much. If you’re an astrology girly (and we mean that inclusively), you know about the shift of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius and that’s been intense. If you aren’t one, disregard. However, today we aren’t covering astrology. Though, the following is relatively related because it’s about energy: one being a bit more spiritual and the other being able to power your electronics. And we are focusing on some positive news (what a relief!).

We want to share information about a new innovation that has been produced using AI. Step aside, Pluto, a new material called N2116 has emerged from the Microsoft Azure Quantum Elements team and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that is a promising alternative to lithium as an energy source.

2024 is the year for new energy, whether that be your astrological chart or new alternative energy solutions, and we can thank AI for the latter. So what’s N2116 all about? Let’s dive in.

What is N2116?

Microsoft and PNNL have released limited information regarding N2116 and we are all anticipating learning more. N2116 is a solid-state electrolyte. The development process for this material took about one week with the use of AI, whereas traditional research and development processes for a material like this would have taken 20 years, at least. In this process, Microsoft researchers used AI and supercomputers to narrow down 32 million potential inorganic material to 18 potential opportunities, and, so far, they have only shared the information about N2116 publicly. This exponential reduction of time (and success) for innovation reveals to us a promising future for AI-created materials. Microsoft’s Vice President, Jason Zander, stated that innovation now because of AI will “…compress 250 years of scientific discovery into the next 25” (BBC). Other major labs such as Google’s DeepMind have been experimenting with new material creations, as well. Late last year, Google’s AI tool, GNoME, found 2.2 million new crystals, including 380,000 stable materials that could be new alternative energy sources that could power future technologies.

The demand for lithium has sky-rocketed in recent years due to the demand for EV batteries for increasingly popular vehicles like Tesla. Because of this, lithium has become a scarce and expensive energy source. Lithium mining has also had a catastrophic impact on our environment as its mining practices are invasive and destructive. The mining for this material is responsible for 1.3+ million tonnes of carbon annually. While it is a “cleaner” energy source compared to others such as coal, it has been imperative for some time now to find a new alternative that is safer, less environmentally destructive, and less expensive. Along with this, lithium isn’t a great material because of its flammable risk due to the liquid or gel-like composition of the material. N2116 is a fantastic alternative because it is a solid electrolyte material that doesn’t impose this risk.

So why does this matter?

If successful, it could lead to a 70% reduction of the use of lithium. This remarkable advancement and innovation not only gives us hope for new alternatives to lithium for energy but also grants us insight into the power, possibilities, capabilities, and speed of AI-aided innovation. As there is much fear-inducing conversations and dialogues regarding AI (cough cough, we all probably know about Elon Musk’s opinion on AI), it is essential to discuss some of the great opportunities and uses of artificial intelligence. AI is in the hands of the beholder so when we discuss and invest time in the positive aspects and net-good results of AI, this is when we can see shifts and impact innovations, like N2116. We haven’t seen too much media covering this exciting innovation so we wanted to take the time to discuss this news and hopefully generate some new perspectives and conversations around this topic. N2116 isn’t the sexiest name, but we think it’s pretty cool.


  • N2116 is a solid-state electrolyte and a promising alternative to lithium. If successful, it could lead to a 70% reduction of the use of lithium.
  • Lithium is commonly used for various energy sources such as electric vehicles. Mining for this substance results in 1.3+ million tonnes of carbon annually.
  • The development process for this material took about one week with the use of AI, whereas traditional research and development processes for a material like this would have taken 20 years, at least.

So next time you grab a coffee or a glass of wine with a friend or lover, ask them — did you know a new alternative for lithium has been found recently by AI that can reduce our use of lithium by 70%? Likely, they don’t know, and hopefully this can spark a stimulating conversation. What do you think about this new finding and the use of AI in doing so?

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All images were created with AI.

Further Reading:

  • BBC — “ New material found by AI could reduce lithium use in batteries”
  • Medium — “Breakthrough Discovery Will Help Reduce Lithium Mining — What is N2116”
  • The Guardian — “How US transition to Electric Cars Threatens Environmental Havoc”

What is ZERONE?

ZERONE is a female-founded, online and Barcelona-based space for people who are interested in learning and conversing more about AI and Design. We want to get people from all walks of life to be included in the conversations surrounding this topic. We hope to mitigate unnecessary fears and debunk misinformation around AI, and instead empower designers, creatives, and any other humans. And with this, we aim to foster an inclusive community of cool people who like sharing ideas and learning from one another. Join us!

The name, ZERONE, comes from the idea that we exist between 0 and 1, as things are more nuanced and less black and white. Break the binaries! Think more dynamically.

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0 1 and everything in between! A new space for people who are curious about AI/Design to share their ideas, connect, create, and challenge.