Devlog #1–2: The Big Inning of Jelly More

jelly ssence
Zeroring Studios Devlog
3 min read1 day ago

There were always two key questions we needed to answer to achieve our goal:

  1. What are the ‘core elements’ that will make players come back again and again?
    “To find the ‘fun’ of the game.”
  2. How will we make that ‘fun’ immersive?
    “To highlight the game’s ‘exclusivity’.”

Don’t get us wrong — we’re not so outdated that we need to answer all the 6WH (who, what, when, where, why, how). However, we wanted to ensure we were on the right track.

We had to cross-check our game preferences with each other. We believed that the game must first be playable and fun for us before we can present it to the world.

RPGs were too complex, and SNGs seemed like a good fit but felt too light. So, we concluded that a casual arcade game was the best option.

So, we experimented with many arcade games we could get our hands on. We played numerous top 10 arcade games and worked to create the best fit for our studio and ourselves.

When we first brainstormed ideas for a new game, our primary goal was to ensure that players could jump in and play without needing any explanation.

It all started with a simple mind map.

We constantly asked, “Are you sure?” but no one could give a definite answer, not even me. So, we shifted our approach to questions like, “Is this possible?” “Is this necessary?” and “Is this fun?” By asking ourselves these ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, we used the mind map to find the clearest answers.

Reference image: Thanks to Miro — we’re using it wisely for our game design and system design.

Life may not always be binary, but when it comes to making games, it can be clear-cut.

We continued working and playing simultaneously to create the very first prototype of Jelly More.

Another key factor was to make sure it was — above all — fun.

When we made the game, we wanted to ensure that players felt fully immersed in a maze-like experience. That’s when we thought of the classic Snake game — similar in concept, but with variations akin to Temple Run. The closest comparison might be However, we aimed for something different, something highly replayable. So, we added some twists to the game — some that might feel familiar, and others that might not.

The very first prototype build of Jelly More

As you can see in the video above, we aimed to keep it simple, with minimal explanation of the basic rules, making it intuitive at first glance.

(After the game launch, we’ll share all the details that people — well, maybe not everyone, but still — might want to know about the game design mechanics and gameplay methods we’ve chosen. We’ll be uploading articles every Friday to keep you updated! 😉)

Jelly King from Jelly More (app store icon)

It’s hard to sum it all up, but long story short, we’re almost ready to launch the game on both Google Play and the Apple App Store. (really soon…!)

Stay tuned for our latest updates on Discord and Facebook for more Jelly More!



jelly ssence
Zeroring Studios Devlog

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