Starting from Zero

Giovanni Luperti
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2018

Setting up the scene — to give you context

San Francisco, New York City, Los Angeles, London, Berlin, Singapore, these are only a few of the hottest startup hubs in the world

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, with 500 million entrepreneurs around, 100 million new ventures are launched every year. Ambitious founders, trying to solve all sort of problems, all hunting for their space in crowded markets. The best will succeed, disrupt and define new rules.

Entrepreneurs are armed with the best intentions, but it can be tough to build and grow a business. Going from vision to profitability takes time, energy and hard work. Raising capital is exhausting, go to market strategies are complex, marketing and customer acquisition is expensive, hiring is difficult, and shaping up the right product can takes several attempts.

We’ve seen businesses fail firsthand because they couldn’t master all of those aspects.

Our take on product development

Zero Technology is a venture born from the desire to help businesses get closer to their objectives. We build digital products and create prototypes to test ideas quickly and generate value fast.

We’ve observed how the internet is changing the world, becoming a powerful vehicle to drive progress. Technology is part of our everyday, but digital products are not easy to assemble.

At Zero Technology we define, design, build and launch the best products that are able to empower and serve as grounding for a much bigger vision.

It doesn’t matter how sophisticated a business proposition is, at the end of the day, a human being will be using your product, and even the smartest individuals need things to be as simple and effective as possible. We’re problem solvers. We make things work for the people you intend to serve.

Shipping quality software is in our DNA.

In a nutshell

  • We partner with businesses and entrepreneurs who understand that a great user experience will lead to positive revenue impact. We’re there for people that need to move fast, without compromising quality
  • If you’re getting started, we will guide you through the product development cycle. If you are established, but with legacy processes holding you back, we’ll speed things up
  • We ship quality within weeks — we scope things right, are free of rigid processes and leave bureaucracy aside
  • We have focus, and won’t put together a granular infrastructure or design a big, unnecessary connected system, to justify your spend. We offer clarity around when to work with us and how long it will take to wrap things up
  • We will take you from an idea to your first product iteration. So you’re ready for your next investor pitch or to go to market and scale it with your team

Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, you name it, all started with a powerful idea, a few lines of code and a basic interface on top.

If you’re an ambitious business or an entrepreneur, and need help bringing your product to life, get in touch — we can help

