Announcing Initial Dex Offering of Marhaba Network — on ZeeDO

Token Sale of Marhaba Network— Begins on 20th Dec ’21 and ends on 22nd Dec ‘21

3 min readDec 16, 2021


ZeeDO will provide an opportunity to ZeroSwap Community to participate in distributing tokens by staking its native token $ZEE

$MRHB 🚀 ZeeDo

ZeeDO is ZeroSwap’s multi-chain IDO platform, supporting token sales on Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, and Polygon. We use chainlink VRF/Randomiser to organize sales in a 100% fair and transparent manner.

Steps To Participate in Token Sale on ZeeDO

  1. Stake ZEE
  2. Apply for IDO, Claim POP (Proof of participation) Ticket
  3. POW (Proof of winning tickets) are Drawn
  4. POW ticket holders can buy $MRHB Token (Assured allocation, No Gas War, No FCFS)

$MRHB Initial DEX Offering on ZeeDO

MRHB DeFi brings the first shariah-compliant solution to the world of decentralized finance. It is powered by a team of dedicated experts in the fields of finance, technology, and Islamic Finance & Theology.

Details of $MRHB Sale on ZeeDO

  • Total Sale — $150K
  • POP (Proof of Participation Tickets) — Total 30,000 [3000 on ZEE/ETH Staking and 21,000 on ZEE/BSC Staking, 6,000 on ZEE/MATIC Staking]
  • Total Winning Tickets: 750[ 150 on ZEE/ETH Staking, 525 on ZEE/BSC Staking, 75 on ZEE/MATIC Staking]
  • Price per Ticket — $200
  • Public Sale Price — $0.040
  • Vesting Period on the Public Sale Tokens: 100% release at TGE

Steps to Participate in $MRHB Token Sale on ZeeDO

1. Stake $ZEE

  • Stake $ZEE on ZeroSwap Staking ModuleStaking $ZEE is the pre-requisite to participate in the Sale. Staking 2.0 currently gives 20% APY.
  • No. of $ZEE Required — 3,000 $ZEE for 1 Ticket, 6,000 $ZEE for two tickets, so on and so forth….
  • You can stake $ZEE on ERC20/BEP20/Polygon to participate in the Sale.

2. Apply for $MRHB sale

  • After Staking $ZEE Apply on ZeeDO —
  • POP Claiming Start Time — 21st Dec 2021: Between 7:00 AM UTC — 8:00 AM UTC
  • POP End Time — 23rd Dec 2021- 10:00 AM UTC
  • POW Draw Time — 23rd Dec 2021 between 10:30 AM UTC -11:00 AM UTC $ZEE (BEP20) and $ZEE (ERC20)

3. Claiming of $MRHB Tokens

Note — Users who have won the POW tickets can only buy $MRHB

  • Time to Buy $MRHBIt will be announced on our social channels.
  • Claiming of $MRHB Tokens on $ZEE BEP20 — Pay BNB BEP20 to Buy $MRHB.

Imp Note — Users staking on $ZEE ERC20 and winning tickets on the ERC20 side must approve BEP20 BNB to buy $MRHB. You have to change the network from ETH to BSC in your wallet, keeping the same address.

About Marhaba Network(MRHB)

MRHB encourages participation in this new era of financial revolution and aims to standardize Shariah compliance within cryptocurrencies via a user-friendly interface that simplifies the complexities of both Shariah and DeFi.

Marhaba Network Social Channels: Twitter | Telegram | Website|Medium

About ZeroSwap and ZeeDO

ZeroSwap is a multi-chain compatible decentralized exchange aggregator focused on making zero-fee transactions possible. We aim to make on-chain trading simple and easy by providing access to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and DEXes access under one roof.

One of the core utilities of ZEE is to reduce friction in fundraising using digital assets. To solve that, we have built a DEX Offering Platform Called — ZeeDO.

Join Us!

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Zeroswap Ecosystem | Reddit

