Announcing Initial Dex Offering of TradeStars— on ZeeDO

Token Sale of $TSX — Will begin on 2nd May and End on 4th May 2021

3 min readApr 26, 2021


$TSX 🚀 ZeeDO

ZeeDO will provide an opportunity to ZeroSwap Community to participate in the distribution of tokens by — staking its native token $ZEE

ZeeDO is ZeroSwap’s multichain IDO platform, supporting token sales on Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, Polygon, and Huobi’s Heco Chain. We use chainlink VRF/Randomiser to organise sale in a 100% fair and transparent manner.

Steps To Participate in Token Sale on ZeeDO —

  1. Stake ZEE
  2. Apply for IDO, Claim POP (Proof of participation) Ticket
  3. POW (Proof of winning tickets) are Drawn
  4. POW ticket holders can buy $XYZ Token (Assured allocation, No Gas War, No FCFS)

TradeStars ( $TSX ) Initial Dex Offering on ZeeDO —

TradeStars is a Fantasy Sports platform powered by the Ethereum and Matic layer 2 blockchains where users can trade digital assets that represent real-life events and performances. A new way in which people can express their passion for sports, compete against each other with true digital ownership, transparency, liquidity, and decentralization.

Details of $TSX Sale on ZeeDO —

  • Total Sale — $ 120,000 USDT
  • POP (Proof of Participation Tickets) — Total 20,000, 10,000 on ZEE/ETH Staking and 10,000 on ZEE/BSC Staking
  • Total Winners: 800, 400 on ZEE/ETH Staking, 400 on ZEE/BSC Staking
  • $TSX Tokens Per Ticket — $150 TSX
  • Price of $TSX Token — $0.16

Steps to Participate in $TSX Token Sale on ZeeDO —

1. Stake $ZEE

  • Stake $ZEE on ZeroSwap Staking ModuleStaking $ZEE is the pre-requisite to participate in the sale. You will also earn rewards — 64% APY for 90 Days by staking $ZEE.
  • No. of $ZEE Required — 3000 $ZEE for 1 Ticket, 6000 $ZEE for two tickets, so on and so forth….
  • You can stake $ZEE BEP20 or $ZEE ERC20 to participate in the sale.

2. Apply for $TSX Sale —

  • After Staking $ZEE Apply on ZeeDO —
  • POP Claiming Start Time — 2nd May 2021: 5:30 AM UTC
  • POP End Time — 3rd May 11:30 AM UTC
  • POW Draw Time: 4th May 11:00 AM UTC $ZEE BEP20 and $ZEE ERC20

3. Claiming of $TSX Tokens

Note — Users who have won the POW tickets can only buy $TSX

  • Time to Buy $TSX— It will be announced on our social channels.
  • Claiming of $TSX Tokens on $ZEE ERC20 — Pay ERC20 ETH to Buy $TSX
  • Claiming of $TSX Tokens on $ZEE BEP20 — Pay ERC20 ETH to Buy $TSX

Imp Note — Users staking on $ZEE BEP20, and winning tickets on the BEP20 side, have to approve ERC20 ETH to buy $TSX. You have to change the network from BSC to ETH in your wallet, keeping the same address.

About TradeStars

TradeStars is a Fantasy Sports platform powered by the Ethereum and Matic layer 2 blockchains where users can trade digital assets that represent real-life events and performances. A new way in which people can express their passion for sports, compete against each other with true digital ownership, transparency, liquidity, and decentralization.

Watch out this space for more information about TradeStars. To keep updated with the latest developments, connect with us on:

TradeStars Social Channels: Website | Telegram | Twitter

About ZeroSwap and ZeeDO:

ZeroSwap is a multi-chain compatible decentralized exchange aggregator focused on making zero-fee transactions possible. We aim to make on-chain trading simple and easy by providing access to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and DEXes access under one roof. One of the core utilities of ZEE is to reduce friction in fundraising using digital assets, in order to solve that, we have been building a Dex Offering Platform Called — ZeeDO.

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